For the better part of a decade, Alex Jones has been one of the nation’s most notorious peddlers of fake news and conspiracy theories. But apparently the InfoWars boss knows his garbage is finally catching up to him. In the midst of a nasty battle with his ex-wife for custody of their children, Jones admitted through his lawyers that when he spews his garbage, he’s merely acting as a “performance artist” who is “playing a character.” In other words, Jones is a grifter at best and an unhinged wingnut at worst. In either case, not exactly someone that should be around children.
Jones made this disclosure in hopes of preventing his wife from holding his more unhinged rants against him. But in light of something that happened on Friday’s edition of Infowars, he may be thinking about protecting himself on another front as well. He turned his guns on one of his favorite targets–former President Obama’s daughters.
For some time, Jones has claimed that Obama is staying in French Polynesia not for some badly needed R&R, but because he’s hiding from arrest. He discussed this in more detail with fellow conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich. Watch here.
Jones claimed that “little birdies” had told him the same thing Trump had said earlier in the week–Hillary was guilty of criminal acts. Cernovich said that a bunch of birdies had told him the same thing, and claimed that he was sitting on stories about “some really shady things” surrounding Obama because he knew he’d be attacked if he came out with them. One thing he could publicly claim, though, was that Obama was “an absentee father” who had “completely abandoned” his oldest daughter, Malia, while she went clubbing in New York.
Jones then chimed in, suggesting that some of his little birdies had told him something else about Malia and her sister, Sasha. Specifically, “the word is those aren’t even his kids.” Instead, he mused that the Obama girls were “total cutouts.” Cernovich agreed, saying that it was obvious Sasha and Malia were “manufactured” as part of the “deep state” effort to put Obama in the White House.
As per usual practice, Jones offered nada, zip, zero evidence to support this outrageously libelous and borderline racist claim. Well, unless you count his earlier claim that Michelle Obama is really a man. But his audience ate it up. Here’s a sample of some of the comments on YouTube.
“Malia is it? she off rails talk about a broken family where’s the youngest one secret service still babysitting?”
“Malia and the other little bitch are their fake kids…Sadly watch them both deteriorate.”
“Obama is not the bio father to those girls.”
“X-President Barack Obama, an anti-American gay-cock Muslim narcissist, is enjoying a lot of fresh dick at Homo-Hotel… and all the cocaine he can do! Mean, mean, meanwhile… his fake daughters run wild… and the First ‘Queen’ Lady sulks in seclusion and despair. We are living in madness… that’s begging for death.”
“Mike Cernovich said it……Obama and family were nothing more than creations of the CIA. His cover’s about blown… he wants to “hide” where he thinks he can’t be reached. Hmmmph….I say send the Seals in to collect him if/when the time comes and let the chips fall where they may. ?”
I hope both Jones and his bottom-feeder supporters know that Sasha is still underage. Specifically, she’s 16 going on 17. Last I checked, the underage kids of politicians are off limits. Period. Oh, that’s right. When Jones attacks the Obama girls, he’s merely playing a character. Would he be willing to say that under oath if he’s ever busted for libel?
(featured image courtesy InfoWars’ Facebook)