Rachel Maddow talked about the latest issue of Foreign Affairs magazine in which they talk about President Donald Trump’s foreign policy practices so far in his presidency.

Sean Spicer made a ridiculous claim (again) this week. He said:
“The world is responding to the leadership that the president is bringing under this – bringing to Washington. In all, during his first 100 days, the president has made 68 calls with 38 different world leaders and hosted a total of 16 bilateral meetings. The president has rebuilt America’s standing in the world.”
Let’s look at how Trump has changed America’s standing. He has bombed Syria, then he forgot which country he bombed. He misspoke and said he bombed Iraq instead of Syria. Then, Trump said the Syrians are GRATEFUL that they got bombed. Trump needs his head examined.
On the North Korean front, Trump sent some ships toward the Korean Peninsula. Trump is wanting to pressure North Korea to dismantle its nuclear weapons with tighter sanctions. He has also made a veiled threat to start a war with North Korea as well. Trump said:
“China will either decide to help us with North Korea or they won’t. If they do, that will be very good for China, and if they don’t, it won’t be good for anyone… If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will.”
It’s so bad that China has become the voice of reason urging Trump and Kim Jong Un to put their d*cks away. Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi said:
“One has the feeling that a conflict could break out at any moment. If a war occurs, the result is a situation in which everybody loses and there can be no winner.”
So, President Trump has definitely changed our standing in the world, but I’m not sure it’s a good thing. If he keeps heading down this path, he could start World War III.
Featured image via Twitter.