It’s a question that’s been asked ever since Donald Trump began his run for the White House: What is his relationship with his current wife (his third, if you’re keeping score at home), Melania?

We may have a partial answer to that question based on something that took place on Twitter Tuesday.

Progressive blogger Andy Ostroy posted this:

Nothing strange so far, but on her official Twitter account, Melania–who is not very active on social media–gave Ostroy’s post a like. It was soon removed, but thankfully we have a screenshot that proves she did indeed hit the like button:

Let the social media fun begin!

So what might we hear as an explanation for the fact that Melania briefly gave her agreement to Ostroy’s tweet? I’m guessing the finger will be pointed at hackers. No doubt the Dolt-in-Chief will say they came from China, North Korea, or a 400-pound guy sitting on his bed at home laughing his ass off.

But let’s be real for a minute: Don’t you kinda think Melania liked that tweet for a reason?


h/t Mediaite

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