At first glance, the most telling anecdote of the Republican mentality in recent weeks came when Lindsey Graham–normally one of the more reasonable Republicans in Washington–suggested it was time to take another look at Hillary Clinton’s emails. But there’s an even more telling anecdote that hasn’t been talked about. That is, the near-total silence from the GOP regarding one of the most outrageous moves by an elected official in recent memory–Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen’s ham-handed and childish intimidation of one of his constituents.
In case you missed it, Frelinghuysen, the congressman from New Jersey’s 11th District and the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, was really upset over the role of Saily Avelenda in NJ 11th for Change, a group that wants him to hold an in-person town hall in his northern New Jersey district. How upset was he? When Frelinghuysen found out that Avelenda worked as an assistant general counsel at a bank where one of his donors was on the board, he wrote that board member to warn him that Avelenda was “one of the ringleaders” opposing the GOP agenda. The ensuing pressure ultimately forced Avelenda to resign.
In the absence of something we haven’t heard or seen, this has been the response from the House Republican leadership in the week since this story broke.
We already knew that all the GOP talk about “draining the swamp” was hot air. But the silence from Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, and Steve Scalise on Frelinghuysen’s outrageous behavior proves it beyond any doubt. They talk so much about the need for government to be accountable. And yet, a congressman targets one of his constituents for insisting that he be accountable, and no one bothers to speak up?
The silence is equally deafening at the state level. No prominent New Jersey Republican has spoken up to condemn Frelinghuysen’s behavior. That includes his most famous constituent, Governor Chris Christie. For those who don’t know, Christie lives in Morris County, in the heart of Frelinghuysen’s district. I know what you may be thinking–it’s far too much to ask Christie to speak out against this. After all, he almost certainly fostered the environment that made Bridgegate possible. But if Christie wanted to correct that impression, surely he would have spoken up here.
Even by Republican standards, the hypocrisy is staggering. It’s even more so when you consider that Frelinghuysen’s actions represent a fundamental breach of one of the most sacred principles in a democracy–that no one should have to fear that their government will retaliate against them for speaking out. This was underlined at NJ 11th for Change’s weekly rally at Frelinghuysen’s office in Morristown. Many of the attendees sported buttons saying “I Am A Ringleader” in solidarity with Avelenda.
Anyone who thinks that they were making a lot of fuss over nothing should read what one of the attendees, Marion Jacobson, told the (Morristown) Daily Record.
“We’re here to rally by her side and support her as friends, but we’re also here to let Rodney Frelinghuysen know he has overstepped. Who is next? What other NJ 11th members has he Googled to see where they work? Why hasn’t he apologized yet? He’s hiding behind a wall of silence to protect himself from accusations of being unethical.”
No one in any self-respecting democracy should have to live with that fear. Not now, not ever. Since no elected Republican has seen fit to condemn this for the pigweed that it is, I have to assume–sadly–that they at the very least willing to look the other way.
For the last two years, I’d wondered–how in the world was it possible for Donald Trump to remain in the race despite his numerous outrages on the campaign trail? Well, now I have at least part of my answer. The same mentality that made it possible for what passes for leadership in the GOP to remain silent about a congressman who found it acceptable to bully a constituent in this way is the same mentality that allowed them to look the other way at a presidential candidate who plastered a private cell phone number on social media.
Frelinghuysen could potentially face tough sledding for a 12th term in 2018. He’s running in a district that Trump won by the skin of his teeth, 49-48. According to a recent poll by Monmouth University, only 34 percent of Americans who live in districts where the margin between Trump and Hillary Clinton was in the single digits approve of Trump’s performance. Normally, it takes a unique set of circumstances to defeat an Appropriations Committee chairman. However, if these numbers hold, there’s a very good chance that Frelinghuysen will pay the ultimate political price for treating Avelenda in this way. The Democrats already have a solid candidate in the race, former federal prosecutor and Navy pilot Mikie Sherrill; send her some love here.
But we shouldn’t have to wait that long. When a congressman finds it even remotely acceptable to target a constituent in this way, it’s time for that congressman to go–now. Sign this petition to tell Frelinghuysen to resign immediately. If there’s any justice, a lot of Republicans should follow him out the door–if not now, certainly next November. Their silence on a breach of one of the most basic trusts in our democracy should leave no doubt–the Republican Party, in its present form, is unfit to govern.
I know that there are a lot of Republicans who would probably be outraged that any lawmaker, regardless of party, would behave in this way. Well, guys, you have some cleaning to do. If we’re to heal the division in this country, we not only have to get rid of the Frelinghuysens of this world, but also those who look the other way when they think they can treat their constituents this way. It’s a job that should have been done a long time ago. But it needs to start now, on both sides of the aisle.
(featured image courtesy Frelinghuysen’s congressional office, part of public domain)