Our president may still have supporters who are too blind to see that he’s screwing them over, but a Republican politician reached across party lines and is calling it as he sees it.
Republicans were brought to their knees with tears of joy this past election. Not only did they get control of Congress, but they also saw their presidential candidate win. Former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is laughing at this administration, though.
About his current life, he said:
“I wake up every day, drink my morning coffee and say hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I don’t want to be president. I drink red wine. I smoke cigarettes. I golf. I cut my own grass. I iron my own clothes. And I’m not willing to give all that up to be president.”
In addition to smoking and drinking on his own terms, Boehner said President Donald Trump doesn’t really know what he’s doing. He did commend him on his foreign policies, though.
He said:
“Everything else he’s done [in office] has been a complete disaster. He’s still learning how to be president.”
Golfing Buddies
Trump demands loyalty from everyone around him. So perhaps it’s safe to say that Boehner is now on his shit list. As it turns out, the two have golfed together and have been friends for 15 years.
Boehner also fanned the growing support for impeachment. He reminded people what it’s really about, saying:
“Talk of impeachment is the best way to rile up Trump supporters. Remember, impeachment is not a legal process; it’s a political process.”
So our president doesn’t know what he’s doing, but let’s not get rid of him. Okay.
Healthcare and Taxes
Republicans were excited about tax reform when Trump got into office. Boehner’s party loves to minimize the amount of money people pay into the government, especially for the rich. Their plans for paying less taxes may not happen, though.
He questioned that happening, saying:
“I was a little more optimistic about it early in the year; now my odds are 60/40.”
Aside from tax reform though, Trump sold himself on the repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act. Boehner suggested that was a bad idea and perhaps he should repair instead of replace it.
Only time will tell if Trump will be impeached. At least we don’t have to worry about a Boehner presidency, though.
Watch this video to hear CNN discuss Boehner’s comments.
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