There are concerns that President Donald Trump is about to pull funding from Tibetans in exile for 2018. The worrying reports come at the same time that talks of a possible meeting between the Dalai Lama and Trump are also happening.
Sonam Dagpo, the Secretary for international relations has said:
“I am awaiting the official document as of now. There is a 24-hour time gap between here and Washington. Once it comes, then we will go through it. I have read reports but can’t react over that.”
The Shanghaiist also reported that the cuts would end a decade long policy to help Tibetans in exile – amounting to cutting millions of dollars. People have speculated that this could be because Trump is trying to win China’s favour. Lobsang Wangyal, a Tibetan exile suggested to the Times of India that Trump may think the move will ‘thaw’ relations with China. However about the proposed cuts he also said:
“The move is contrary to American ideals of freedom, equality, and justice. Time will tell if Trump’s policy is really in line with his ‘Make America Great Again’
While it is just a proposal at the moment, no one would be surprised if this administration really did cut Tibet’s funding to zero. They have after all voted to kick millions off healthcare by repealing Obamacare, as well as dropping meals for the elderly and poor school children. Compassion is something that the Dalai Lama and Trump clearly do not have in common.
The amazing thing about the Dalai Lama is that he is always happy and seemingly worry-free – not even the election of the inexperienced Donald Trump, to the most powerful role in the world, seemed to bother him in the slightest – not even the Pope is that holy.
Perhaps the Dalai Lama says it best with this Tweet:
Money and power attract friends. But it’s not you they’re friends with — just your money and power. Only affection brings genuine friends.
— Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) May 12, 2017
Watch the Dalai Lama do his Trump impression here:
Featured image via YouTube.