President Donald Trump’s approval ranking has been tanking the last few months. He thinks he won the popular vote, but it looks like he’s not that popular. There’s another point that should piss you off.

About 9 percent of the people who voted for Donald Trump also voted for former President Barack Obama four years prior.

Priorities USA interviewed 800 of these people. About 77 percent of those people said that Trump would help the middle class with his economic policies. One Wisconsin woman said:

“They made Trump, I think — I, well, I shouldn’t say it was the media’s fault, it was pretty much his mouth’s fault — but he made himself look like a very mean, cruel person that just was very racist. And I thought he would, everyone was going to vote for Hillary because of that.”

Another said:

“I voted for Obama too, because, I mean, there’s always been a white person, obviously, in office. I mean, he was of African descent, so I voted for him thinking I would change a little bit of the race issues that we had going on and make the colored people feel better, like they have a black person in office.”

There is another observation about Trump’s poll numbers. If you plot Trump’s approval rating and his disapproval rating on a graph it looks like crocodile teeth. It even has eyes if you look at the keys on that particular graph.

It continues to grow teeth as his disapproval goes up and his approval rating goes down.

As far as the poll goes, this is how it’s done:

“Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president. Daily results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points.”

Here is a news clip about his approval ratings:

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.