Kimberly Felder, a 45-year-old from Northern California, has been arrested on suspicion of biting and choking her daughter, as well as throwing sand into her mouth and eyes. Supposedly, she was trying to exorcise demons from her daughter. She did this in the middle of a crowded beach.

The sheriff said:

“The mother stated she was trying to remove the demons from the child.”

A crowd of 10 to 12 people saw the incident. The girl is being treated for multiple injuries and may require reconstructive surgery for her ear.

Resident John Marciel couldn’t stand by and watch the mother do this to her daughter. He stepped in and restrained Felder. If it wasn’t for Marciel, the girl may have died.

Felder has been arrested for suspicion of attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, felony child abuse, and aggravated mayhem. Felder had stripped the girl naked and attacked her with sand.

Marciel may even be recognized with the Red Cross Lifesaver Award.

Marciel said:

“The worst thing was when we got the child away and into the sheriff’s truck, she said people drove by and nobody stopped. When you see something like this, it shakes your foundation and faith in people.”

Marciel said that Felder questioned his faith while he was wrestling her to the ground.

The sheriff also said:

“If it were not for the intervention and heroic actions of John Marciel, it is very likely that the child would have been killed by Felder.”

Felder has taken a toxicology test, but the results have yet to be determined.

I don’t care which God you pray to or how many demons you think someone has, a felony is a felony. I hope this mother goes away for a long time. This child may be losing an ear because of it; there is obviously something wrong with this mother.

Watch this video for more information about the exorcism (after the jump):

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.