Now that all the details of the Senate healthcare bill have been revealed and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has given their estimate that at least 22 million Americans will lose health insurance under Trumpcare, even those who voted for President Trump are realizing that they may soon be without coverage.
One of those Trump voters appeared on CNN Monday evening, and was asked by host Don Lemon:
“You’re a life long republican, yet you and your wife are insured through Obamacare. What will happen to that insurance if Obamacare is repealed?”
The man, Don Riscoe of Florida, replied:
“We probably won’t be insured.”
Riscoe appeared to be choking back tears, so Lemon asked him:
“You okay?”
The man managed to compose himself and respond:
“Yes. We won’t be insured if Obamacare goes away. We won’t be able to afford premiums.
“I know we can’t afford $1,000 a month. I don’t know the exact number but … we wouldn’t be able to afford coverage without the infrastructure.”
Another guest, Pastor Janice Hill of West Virginia, said what will hurt people most in her state is the deep cuts in Medicaid:
“When they take away Medicaid, it’s not only going to hurt my daughter who is not on Medicaid now because she’s working full-time, but it’s going to hurt the people in my state. It’s going to hurt veterans, which I’m a veteran. Ten percent of veterans are on Medicaid.
“It’s going to hurt the employment rate. It’s going to hurt people’s access to health coverage. They’re not going to go for any kind of preventive care. It’s going to be critical when they do go. It’s going to cost more money. This bill doesn’t make sense.”
It certainly doesn’t make sense, and it must be defeated.
Featured Image Via CNN Screengrab