President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he would have never hired Jeff Sessions as Attorney General if he knew that Sessions would recuse himself from overseeing the Russia investigation. In an unsurprising moment of political backstabbing, Trump threw one of his earliest and staunchest GOP allies under the bus for doing the right thing. Mr. Trump told the New York Times:

“Sessions should have never recused himself, and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else.”

The interview touched on a wide range of subjects, including special counsel Robert Mueller and former FBI Director James Comey. In an act of unabashed hypocrisy Trump called Mueller’s investigation team rife with conflicts of interest and still claims that he personally is not under investigation despite direct statements to the contrary.

But the prime target of Mr. Trump’s verbal tantrum was directed at Jeff Sessions, and the Russia investigation that he made abundantly clear was a major sore point. Despite Sessions being the one of the first and most loyal Republicans to Trump before, during, and after the election, it seems that their relationship has soured severely during the past few months. It seems that Trump assumed that Sessions’ loyalty to him would overrule the need to be legally ethical, and he was mistaken:

“Jeff Sessions takes the job, gets into the job, recuses himself, which frankly I think is very unfair to the president… How do you take a job and then recuse yourself? If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, ‘Thanks, Jeff, but I’m not going to take you.’ It’s extremely unfair — and that’s a mild word — to the president.”

As if that’s the only job an Attorney General has to do, other than the hundred of other federal legal cases that his office deals with per year.

A spokesman for Jeff Sessions, unsurprisingly, declined to comment on the interview.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Watch a clip describing the collapse of the two men’s relationship here:


Featured image from YouTube video.