Even though President Trump ran on the slogan, “Make America great again,” it seems that since he took office, about all he’s really tried to do is make himself and his family richer, play endless rounds of golf, pretend he knows nothing about Russia, and attack the media.
So when senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources Sunday, the topic quickly turned to the matter of the Russia investigation, which led Conway to whine about the media obsession with “Russia, Russia, Russia.”
That led host Brian Stelter to remind Conway:
“Russia is a big story. Because journalists love America and America was attacked last year and America’s probably going to be attacked again next year around the midterms, and you call it a hoax.”
Always ready to brag on herself, a smug Conway responded:
“And that has what to do with our campaign that I managed? I managed that winning campaign. It has what to do with that campaign?”
Again, Stelter was ready for Conway, telling her:
“That may be because by the time you became campaign manager, the deal was already in, the conversations were already had. We don’t know, Kellyanne, but shouldn’t we find out?”
“Are you alleging there was active conversations with Russians trying to change the election results? Because very few people are saying that. Are you saying that or just trying to put it out there because you guys are so invested? What is there? What constitutional crisis are we facing right now?”
When Stelter continued to press Conway, she began attacking CNN, which led the host to ask what may wind up being the perfect response that should be used anytime a Trump surrogate starts in on their hackneyed lines about it all being the fault of the media for doing their job:
“Why does attacking CNN make America great again?”
It doesn’t. It’s merely a diversionary tactic the Trumpkins use to avoid talking about the real issues and the crimes they may have committed.
Featured Image Via CNN Screengrab