Arkansas has repeatedly positioned themselves as one of the most backward states as far as abortion laws, and they were set to push four new laws into effect on Tuesday that would have continued that trend. The most upsetting could have required women to receive permission from sexual partners and family members before having an abortion. Thankfully, a United States District Court judge stepped in and put a halt to these laws going into effect.
The Associated Press reports that United States District Court Judge Christine Baker filed an injunction in order to halt the restrictions. Baker gave her reasoning for putting a stop to these laws:
“The threatened harm to Dr. Hopkins and the fraction of women for whom the mandate is relevant clearly outweighs whatever damage or harm a proposed injunction may cause the State of Arkansas.”
Dr. Hopkins refers to Dr. Frederick Hopkins, an abortion provider in Little Rock, Arkansas. The American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Reproductive Rights had both challenged the Arkansas laws and taken them to court as a lawsuit filed on Dr. Hopkins’ behalf. Rita Sklar, the executive director of the Arkansas branch of the ACLU, released this statement:
“Arkansas women can feel a little relief today, knowing that these laws are blocked from taking effect. Instead of protecting women’s health, Arkansas politicians have passed laws that defy decency and reason just to make it difficult or impossible for a woman to get an abortion.”
The main law that was halted would have changed what processes need to happen to dispose of fetal tissue after an abortion. Opponents of the law indicated that the specific wording would have forced a woman to notify the father of the child, even if she was no longer in contact with him. This could have made it nearly impossible to get an abortion in specific cases where they would be most warranted, like pregnancy resulting from rape.
Arkansas has frequently put forth laws to restrict a woman’s right to take care of her own body. The state voted hard for President Donald Trump, who once claimed that women should be punished for having an abortion. Check out his enlightened views below:
Featured image via Flickr user ProgressOhio / CC BY 2.0.