According to many conservatives, the Affordable Care Act–aka Obamacare–is the worst thing to ever happen to this country. They love to rail against a program which has allowed tens of millions of people to purchase health insurance and helped guarantee that getting decent healthcare doesn’t cost a fortune.

And yet, when confronted with facts, those same people are often forced to admit that Obamacare is actually a good thing.

Such was the case Saturday evening when former talk show host Chelsea Handler debated right-wing loudmouth Tomi Lahren. Handler asked Lahren about her own situation when it came to health insurance, and Lahren replied:

“Well, I’m on my parents health insurance…I’m 24.”

Of course, the only reason Lahren is allowed to remain in her parents insurance is because of a provision in the Affordable Care Act which says children can do so until age 26.

No sooner had those words left Lahren’s big mouth than the internet lit up with plenty of criticism for her:

Yeah, Tomi, those leeches who are getting health insurance without paying for it are a real problem, aren’t they. That damn Obamacare is such a mess! Then why don’t you refuse to participate in protest? Oh, I know why: Because you’re far too busy being a hypocrite. Also, you might want to see a doctor about that foot that’s stuck in your mouth.

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