Ah, Mooch, you burned brightly and then burned right on out, didn’t ya? You had to try and be bigger than the Donald, steal that spotlight, weasel your way into prime position as part of the crumbling administration, but, like Icarus, you flew too close to the sun and your wings melted.

Or something like that.

As it turns out, short-lived White House Director of Communications Anthony Scaramucci was probably undone by his failure to realize that with a new Chief of Staff (who just so happens to be a former Marine general), he wouldn’t have unfettered access to the president. But might there be other factors involved?

Let’s back up a bit. Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker, who received the obscenity-laced phone call from Scaramucci last week, had originally posted two tweets suggesting that the Mooch was having dinner with the POTUS:

The fact that his dinner date had been leaked to a reporter infuriated Scaramucci, who called Lizza to find out who his source was. Good journalist that he is, Lizza told Mooch he wasn’t about to start giving out names of confidential sources.

Then, a day later, Olivia Nuzzi of New York magazine said another person had been in attendance at the presidential dinner:

That tidbit set off speculation that Scaramucci was having an affair with Guilfoyle, though one wonders why anyone would want to have a relationship with a reactionary right-wing fascist wannabe who gets paid to wear short skirts on Fox to draw in the old man perv demographic the network covets. Why do you think Trump watches Fox almost exclusively? You do the math.

Not long after the now-infamous dinner with the president and an assorted cast of characters (Mike Pence, Fox Newsers Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway), Mooch’s wife announced that she had filed for divorce, even though she was nine months pregnant.

Cue soap opera music.

We arrive at the day of judgment, Monday, July 31. Scaramucci was fired and then allegedly escorted from the White House grounds by security personnel.

What does the Mooch have to say after just 10 short days in which he wasn’t even formally employed by the White House? He told a reporter for the Huffington Post:

“I am now going to go dark. Then I will reemerge. As me.”

As opposed to what? The punchline for a joke, or the latest casualty of the war zone known as the Trump administration? Either way, take your time, Mooch. None of us are all that eager to see your mug again anytime soon.

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