Chances are pretty good that you’ve never heard of Corey Stewart. He was born in Minnesota but now lives in Virginia and absolutely loves everything to do with the Confederacy. Stewart, a Republican, also plans to run in 2018 against incumbent Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine.
Stewart thought it would be a good idea to go on CNN Thursday morning and offer his ignorant thoughts on the white nationalist rally held last weekend in Charlottesville, but it didn’t take long for host Kate Bolduan to remind Stewart that he had appeared with “Unite the Right” organizer Jason Kessler just five months ago, also in Charlottesville. Bolduan told Stewart:
“I’m confused when I see images of you showing up as recently as, I think it was February… showing up at events with Jason Kessler, a white nationalist. The most recent interview he did, promoting the rally, he said. ‘I am pro-white. I want to stand up for my people. Right now, there is an ethnic cleansing against white people in the United States.'”
“Well, look, he’s got to speak for himself.”
But Bolduan wasn’t about to let Stewart off that easily, telling him:
“Well, you can also speak for yourself by showing up to events with him.”
That’s when Stewart attempted to feign ignorance of what Kessler stands for:
“He’s got to speak for himself. I didn’t know he had those views.”
The event Bolduan referred took did indeed take place in February, and it was a rally at which Kessler and other speakers argued for more immigration to the United States from majority white Western countries, but banning refugees and immigrants from the Middle East.
Sounds like Corey Stewart got caught doing what comes naturally to him: Being a bigoted asshat.
Here’s the interview:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Featured Image Via CNN Screengrab