The descendants of Generals Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis are apparently smarter and more reasonable than President Snowflake himself. In public statements, the families of the Confederate leaders told those who want to preserve their monuments in a time of significant racial and political upheaval to simply let it go.

General Lee’s great-great grandson said it was perfectly fine to take the statues down and perhaps put them in a museum:

“Eventually, someone is going to have to make a decision, and if that’s the local lawmaker, so be it. But we have to be able to have that conversation without all of the hatred and the violence. And if they choose to take those statues down, fine… Maybe it’s appropriate to have them in museums or to put them in some sort of historical context in that regard.”

Wow, that sounds incredibly logical and perfectly reasonable, doesn’t it? In fact, he believes that General Lee himself would have been saddened to see what happened in Charlottesville over his likeness:

“Those sorts of acts on Saturday, that’s just not to be tolerated… We feel strongly that Gen. Lee would never ever stand for that sort of violence. “We just want people to know that the Lee family just really wants to send their best to the people in Charlottesville.”

Bertram Hayes-Davis, great-great-grandson of the Confederate president Jefferson Davis, also said that the statues should be moved to a museum:

“In a public place, if it is offensive and people are taking issue with it, let’s move it. Let’s put it somewhere where historically it fits with the area around it so you can have people come to see it, who want to understand that history and that individual.”

Members of all three families (Jackson, Lee, and Davis) openly condemned the white supremacists actions. A letter from Stonewall Jackson’s family said it best:

“While we are not ashamed of our great great grandfather, we are ashamed to benefit from white supremacy while our black family and friends suffer. We are ashamed of the monument.”

Case closed.

Watch a story about the Confederate monuments coming down around the country here:

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