Melania Trump is not what most expect when they think about the wife of America’s commander in chief. Then again, alleged President Donald Trump certainly isn’t who the majority of Americans wanted to be the commander in chief. Nevertheless, unless D.C. lawmakers rally together to oust the guy, they’ll be there for at least the next few years.
Since his “election” last November, President Donald Trump has proven to us that although clearly not presidential, he is a lot of things. Racist. Thief. Braggart. Creep. Blowhard. Toddler. Dummy. And through all of this, his wife, Melania, waits in the wings with an eerie smile on her face and distant look in her eyes.
Very Stepford Wife-ish if you ask me. Although 45 would have you believe that she is a well-educated Slovenian glamazon, I am convinced that Melania Trump is not of this planet. There’s no way someone from Earth can be as clueless as she is.
Take, for example, her “Golden Rule” speech at the United Nations General Assembly earlier this week. Mrs. Trump stood up in front of a crowd of people who know better and espoused the virtues of treating people right, not bullying, and making the world a better place for our children.
All awesome ideas. But – ummm – did anybody think to remind her of who she’s married to? Only a clueless person would stand in front of the world and state all of these things with confidence when the biggest bully in the universe sleeps next to you.
However, this is only the most recent time that Melania has exhibited her audacious ability to be disconnected from reality. Remember the plagiarized speech heard round the world?
Or what about the time she dressed for brunch to go to a Hurricane disaster area?
Or the time she thought she could monetize the title of First Lady?
Regardless of how Trumpsters like to tout the awesomeness of Melania, she will never measure up to women who have been FLOTUS in the past. She doesn’t have the Southern sensibilities of Barbara Bush. The intelligence of Hillary Clinton. The strength of Betty Ford. The class of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. And she will never, ever have the swag, smarts, and all around awesome of Michelle Obama.
As hard as she tries, she will never measure up to any of the women who have served as First Lady. And it’s not because of the man she’s married to. Melania won’t measure up because she’s just not First Lady material.
Sure she’s beautiful. Noone can deny that fact. But it seems like that’s where the buck stops for her. While being beautiful may serve as a way to enter into the fabulous world of the rich and famous via marriage to old creeps and weirdos, it’s just not enough to make you stand out as First Lady.
So, if we’ve gotten this far and you still can’t see how amazingly out of touch and clueless this woman is, let us count the ways.
She is tacky.
She actually married Donald John Trump.
She thought Trump Tower was a fine substitute for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
She chooses to ignore or is complicit in the racist, sexist, xenophobic actions of her husband.
Check out more of the epic awkwardness and oddball behavior of Melania Trump below.
Featured Image from Wikipedia.