As part of his efforts to get Donald Trump elected president, Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon actively worked to get a person hired at Facebook who would then spy on the social media network in an attempt to assure that pro-Trump content wasn’t being “censored.”

BuzzFeed has obtained emails which show communications between Bannon and former GOP staffer Chris Gacek. In one, Gacek told Bannon that a recent job listing might enable someone to infiltrate Facebook. On August 1 of 2016, Gacek wrote:

“There is one [opening] for a DC-based ‘Public Policy Manager’ at Facebook’s What’s APP [sic] division. This seems perfect for Breitbart to flood the zone with candidates of all stripe who will report back to you / Milo [Yiannopoulos] with INTEL about the job application process over at FB.”

Bannon then forwarded Gacek’s email to Milo Yiannopoulos, who was serving as Tech editor at Breitbart News.

Additionally, Bannon emailed back to Gackek with this instruction:

“Can u get on this.”

BuzzFeed also notes in their exclusive report:

“News that Bannon wanted to infiltrate the Facebook hiring process comes as the social media giant faces increased scrutiny from Washington over political ads on the platform and the part it played in the 2016 election. That charge — and the threat of regulation — has mostly come from the left. But conservatives, who have often complained about the liberal bias of the major tech companies, have also argued for bringing Silicon Valley to heel. Earlier this month, former White House chief strategist told an audience in Hong Kong that he was leading efforts to regulate Facebook and Google as ‘public utilities.'”

Facebook provided no comment on the report from BuzzFeed. However, in an ironic turn of events, the Public Policy Manager position was eventually filled by Christine Turner, former director of trade policy and global supply chain security in Barack Obama’s National Security Council.

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