Jerry Moore is the brother of GOP Senate candidate/child molester Roy Moore, and his defense of Roy is so disgusting it wouldn’t be a surprise if both brothers wind up being struck by lightning.
According to Jerry Moore, Roy is being “persecuted like Jesus was.” Yes, he actually said that!
Roy Moore's brother Jerry Moore told @MartinSavidge that Roy is being "persecuted" like "Jesus Christ was"
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) November 10, 2017
CNN's @MartinSavidge spoke on the phone to Roy Moore's brother, Jerry Moore, who defended his brother – says that his brother is being persecuted, in his own words, like Jesus Christ was.
— David Wright (@DavidWright_CNN) November 10, 2017
WTF?! Being accused of molesting a child is NOTHING like what Jesus endured, and it sure as hell isn’t the message Jesus conveyed.
Thankfully, Twitter had some choice comments for the Moore brothers:
No Jesus was persecuted for teaching God’s love not child molestation
— member of the mob of real solutions! Vote Blue! (@Sullivanandkids) November 10, 2017
When Jesus said something to the effect of "let the children come unto me" he didn't mean so that he could date them or molest them.
— Joe Talbott (@JoeTalbott) November 10, 2017
Hell is going to need some real estate developers to expand for all this blasphemy.
— Night Mists ??????? (@Nitemists) November 10, 2017
So now we’re persecuting his Christianity?
Just when you think someone hits bottom, they ask for a shovel.
— Sober Somber RN ??? (@nurse_curse) November 10, 2017
— KinIsVotingBlue (@kinneret) November 10, 2017
Ok, then let's nail him to a cross and see if he resurrects.
— AsTheHairpieceTurns (@HairpieceTurns) November 10, 2017
The Alabama Bible seems to be a very unique version
— Alexis Fernandes (@AlexFTweets) November 10, 2017
"He touched that girl for our sins!"
— NDL (@ndlerman) November 10, 2017
“And, lo, it came to pass that the Lord gave up his only begotten son to run interference for pedophiles….”
— JemW (@teacheconomics) November 10, 2017
A shocking number of people have defended Moore by comparing him to Jesus, & not a single evangelical in power has come out to say that is wrong. Pretty sure what Jesus did was for the good of humankind, and Moore is a pedophile. I'm ok with him being "persecuted." #NoMoreMoore
— Sita Stukes (@SitaStukes) November 10, 2017
Sooooo…. Jesus also hit on 14-year-old girls?
"Blessed are the meek. Especially the hot ones. Damn."
— (((Kurt Weldon))) (@KurtWeldon) November 10, 2017
Remember that part of the Bible where Jesus groomed and molested a child and then had his Apostles tell everyone it was consensual?
— soapscum (@Soapscum628) November 10, 2017
This is crazy to the 5th power of wtf which equals omfg ??♀️
— Gina Parks (@parks72076) November 10, 2017
As it is written “the unclean shepherd shall go forth and plummet off the cliff of morality and the sheep shall follow”
— timothy kennedy (@kmit63) November 10, 2017
Jesus was 33 when he died for our sins.
Roy Moore was 32 when he tried to f$&@ an eighth grader from a broken home.
I’m not seeing the analogy.
— Jerry Burke (@aqualad08) November 10, 2017
Difference being, when Moore is on the cross he tells teenaged girls to touch the wood.
— Don Alt Rump (@Subject2DVision) November 10, 2017
Here’s the report from CNN:
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