This week we learned that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s legal team would no longer share information with lawyers representing the White House and President Trump, which seems to suggest that Flynn is now cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the ongoing probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

In the week ahead, longtime Trump aide and current White House Director of Communications Hope Hicks will meet with Mueller’s team to discuss what she knows about possible collusion between members of the Trump campaign and Russian agents.

With these two developments, it seems a good time to ask: Is Robert Mueller about to unseal some of the indictments still on the docket at the federal courthouse in Washington, D.C.?

If you listen to Trump’s lead attorney, Ty Cobb, the entire matter will be over with by the end of 2017. In August, Cobb remarked:

“I’d like to see the president out from under this by Thanksgiving, but certainly by year-end. I think the relevant areas of inquiry by the special counsel are narrow.”

The president’s legal team is also trying to keep their client calm by assuring him the Russia probe is winding down. Vanity Fair reports:

“Trump’s lawyers are taking pains to project calm, telling the president that he has nothing to fear and that the investigation, which some posit is just getting started, will wind down soon.”

Translation: Trump’s attorneys are lying to a pathological liar so he won’t go off the deep end and tweet out incriminating tidbits.

But there’s an alternate explanation for what’s been happening over the past week, and it goes like this: Mueller is on the verge of making more indictments public right before Christmas. Why might he do that so close to the holiday? Well, if he fears some of those about to be indicted might have travel plans to visit family, he may want to get them placed under house arrest so they can’t flee the country.

If there is a “Christmas surprise” in the offing, it’s likely to be sprung by the special counsel over the next week to ten days. While the rest of us are celebrating, the administration could well be in total chaos.

Featured Image Via the BBC