You’ve probably never heard of John Turano. He’s one of the many Trump-worshiping idiots who prowl the streets of this country and feel they have the right to scream whatever insult comes to mind, even if that invective is hurled at a child.

In the video below, which is going viral, a woman approaches three Trump supporters in Los Angeles and tells them:

“You called my 5-year-old cousin a terrorist.”

The woman, named Rawan, and her cousin, are Palestinian-American. To them, Turano replies:

“Looks like one. It doesn’t matter what age you are.”

Rawan then tells Turano:

“You’re calling a 5-year-old a terrorist.”

Turano’s smug, moronic daughter, Bianca responds:

“But this is America, we can say whatever we want. Freedom of speech.”

Later in the video, John Turano tells the woman and her little cousin to suck his dick as his equally disgusting daughter adds:

“You guys are terrorists, get out of here. If you hate America so much leave.”

A boy with Rawan and her cousin then shouts at Daddy Turano:

“I don’t hate America — I just hate [inaudible] fucks like you!”

Donald Trump has emboldened assholes like John and Bianca Turano. Trump has given them cover to be as offensive as they want because some of the neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville earlier this year are “very fine people,” according to the president.

Trump and many of his supporters are cancers on this country that need to be excised as soon as possible.

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