As a rule, when Congress writes and passes a piece of legislation, they try to work out any possible problems with the bill before they actually pass it. But when it comes to the GOP tax bill, it appears they’ll go full steam ahead, even though they realize there are major problems with the so-called “Tax Cut & Jobs Act.”

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) the main author of the tax bill, admitted late last week that Congress will need to draft another bill in order to make “technical corrections” to the legislation:

“I can’t imagine any major undertaking like this that doesn’t require technical corrections in the future.”

Steven Rosenthal, a lawyer and tax expert who formerly worked for the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, was blunt when asked about Brady’s comments:

“This legislation is tax policy malfeasance.”

Congressional Republicans are eager to get the tax bill passed as soon as possible, both because they’re desperate for a legislative victory and their majority in the Senate is about to shrink, as the Huffington Post notes:

“GOP lawmakers are enacting the tax bill itself through the budget reconciliation process, which means that it can pass with a simple majority and no threat of a filibuster ― an essential requirement for the Republicans, because they have only 52 seats in the Senate now and that drops to 51 once Doug Jones takes the Alabama seat now occupied by a Republican. But a bill fixing the tax legislation next year would not necessarily have the same advantage of the lower Senate vote threshold, meaning Republicans could need Senate Democrats to get it done.”

Brady, however, sounded optimistic that Democrats would come on board to help repair the tax bill in 2018:

“We can do even more to improve this tax code. I’m hopeful Democrats, who’ve always said they’re for tax reform but today are defending the status quo, I hope they rethink that and work with us to improve the code.”

Or they may just let the Republicans own the entire bill, flaws and all, and use it as a political cudgel in the midterm election.

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