In the wake of Donald Trump’s upset victory in 2016, there was at least some faint hope that he would at least try to sound presidential. After all, you would have thought that the dignity of the office he was about to assume would change him.

As we now know, that hope was dashed with how the president-elect saw fit to wish the world a happy 2017.

That tweet left no doubt–we were about to have a president who was nothing more than a toddler trapped in a 70-year-old body. Trump was deservedly sliced, diced, and julienned for this–most famously when Mark Hamill read that tweet and several Trump tweets in the voice of the Joker.

Well, apparently Trump didn’t learn his lesson. On Sunday afternoon, Trump fired off this.

Wow. That tweet is Trump in a nutshell. Narcissism and gaslighting all rolled into one.

Moreover, it came on the heels of Trump’s dumpster fire of an interview in The New York Times–a story that led to concerns about Trump’s mental state. If Trump was trying to reassure the nation that he was mentally well, it didn’t work.

Not surprisingly, Twitter was not pleased.

This tweet looks even more embarrassing when you consider how Barack Obama wished the world a happy New Year.

The contrast in tone could not be more stark. Appealing to our better selves versus kicking your foes in the groin. In case you missed it, that’s one of the president’s primary duties.

It was obvious from the time Trump rode down the escalator of Trump Tower that he would never begin to understand this. He’s spent the last two-plus years proving us right–mocking the disabled, degrading women, callousness toward the people of Puerto Rico, etc., etc. And his New Year’s messages over the last two years have more than proven it.

(featured image: screenshot via YouTube)