Donald Trump is flat-out terrified. His poll numbers are in the toilet, it appears the GOP may lose control of Congress, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is moving closer by the second.
So, naturally, Trump had to grab his cell phone and start tweeting out unhinged BS about Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and the Department of Justice:
Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 2, 2018
Where did Trump get this weird conspiracy theory about Huma Abedin and Clinton? Fox News, of course, which was citing a report from the notoriously unreliable right-wing website The Daily Caller.
The irony is that Trump, who wants to accuse others of not obeying “basic security protocols,” invited the Russian foreign minister and ambassador into the Oval Office in May of last year and shared classified information with them about ISIS that had been received from Israeli intelligence.
The blowback on social media was immediate:
You want Comey investigated after you fired him for being too tough on Crooked Hillary? That's a stretch.
— Matt Busche (@mrbusche) January 2, 2018
The most criminal so called president making these accusations, is guilty of all the things he spews!
— #RESIST (@powderpuf106751) January 2, 2018
Foreign agents? Why are you so concerned about foreign agents now?
Do you know how much danger you put America in by making a foreign agent your security Chief?
— Victor Stoddard (@VicStoddard) January 2, 2018
— Cynthia Peet (@CynthiaPeet) January 2, 2018
It doesn’t appear that she committed a crime. If merely using private email to transmit official business was a crime, members of your Administration would be liable as well.
There is also no public evidence that suggests Comey committed a crime.
— Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti) January 2, 2018
Translation: I am running scared and will throw out any random accusation to deflect attention from my corruption
— Ashe ? Kirk ?✊ (@ashekirk) January 2, 2018
1. The word is "aide," not "aid." 2. You personally gave classified secrets to Russians who visited you in the Oval Office, putting agents in danger. 3. You're still talking about HRC more than a year after she got more votes than you in the 2016 election??? Sad.
— Bronco Bama (@BronckoBamma) January 2, 2018
Sounds like you’re referring to your son-in-law Jared Kushner, with his scheming ‘back channel’ communications, he wanted to engage in, with the Russians! When you talk about others, you’re really talking about yourself/family! Only the characters names change! MUELLER IS COMING!
— Carolyn Glenn (@59carjacgln) January 2, 2018
If you thought 2017 was crazy, wait until you see how the Orange Menace melts down as the FBI prepares to slap the cuffs on him.
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