Ever since Donald Trump took office, there’s been one way to know the weekend has officially started–when Trump goes on an unhinged Saturday morning tweetstorm.

The first weekend of 2018 was no different. Sometime around 7:30 a.m. Eastern, the man who is nominally the most powerful person in the world fired off this.

Trump was trying to respond to numerous questions that have been raised about his mental stability in recent weeks. Specifically, a bizarre interview with The New York Times that took his own staffers by surprise, and anecdotes from Michael Wolff’s new book, “Fire and Fury,” portraying Trump as a child trapped in a 71-year-old body.

If Trump was hoping that these tweets would convince us that any questions about his mental state were fake news, it didn’t work. Twitter has spent most of the day pillorying him. And the criticism came from both sides of the aisle.

By Saturday afternoon, the hashtags “#stablegenius” and “#VeryStableGenius” were heavily trending on Twitter, along with a number of memes referring to Mister Ed sparked by this brutal takedown from Rob Reiner.

However, former Bush 43 ethics counsel and prominent Never-Trumper Richard Painter believes this is not a laughing matter. He told CNN’s Christi Paul and Victor Blackwell that this tweetstorm should be grounds to remove him from office–and quickly. Watch here.


Painter contended that if a CEO fired off such tweets, “the board of directors would have him removed from office by noon.” He then slammed his fellow Republicans for tolerating this kind of “erratic behavior” from a man who is “in control of nuclear weapons.” He was no less unsparing on Twitter.

Trump didn’t do anything to help his cause during a press conference later that morning at Camp David. Watch a clip here.

When asked about reports that he tried to press Attorney General Jeff Sessions into not recusing himself from the Russia investigation, Trump replied:

“Everything that I do is 100 percent proper. The story, by the way, in the Times, was way off, or at least off. But everything that I’ve done is 100% proper. That is what I do, is I do things proper.”

The obvious grammatical slip-up resulted in a new round of Twitter pillorying.


Yep, we should all feel safe with this guy in the White House.

There was already ample reason to call for the 25th Amendment. After all, it has been clear beyond any doubt that Trump lacks the impulse control and temperament to be president. But it’s hard not to agree with Painter–after this display from Trump, it’s long past time to get him out of here.

(featured image: photo art courtesy Ben Park, Vanity Fair)