Ted Cruz Wants To Ban Self-Love. His College Roommate Has The Perfect Response

Ted Cruz is widely known for his puritan views towards sex. Despite having been caught with a prostitute.

Cruz’s college roommate has been dogging him on Twitter for months now, and it is HILARIOUS! Craig Mazin has tweeted numerous times about what Cruz was like back then: things like his body odor, laziness, and for creeping on women.

Cruz has always had backwards views on women and abortion. He even insulted a friend in college whose mother had an abortion saying that she was “going to hell” and calling her a “whore.” He has also said that he would force women to carry their rapists’ babies if he were elected. Here is some insight into what the real Ted Cruz is like:


When asked about whether or not Ted Cruz has changed since college, Mazin had this epic response:


Apparently, Cruz wasn’t the cleanest person:


When asked about whether or not Ted Cruz is a liar, Mazin had this to say:


Here is another gem. This is his response to the question of Trump or Cruz:


Here is the worst one yet! Ted Cruz went after people who masturbate when defending an attempted dildo ban in 2004, saying:

“There is no substantive-due-process right to stimulate one’s genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship”

When Cruz was the Texas solicitor general, he wrote a 76-page brief about banning these “obscene” devices. The Appeals Court told Cruz to take a hike in 2008:

“An individual who wants to legally use a safe sexual device during private intimate moments alone or with another is unable to legally purchase a device in Texas, which heavily burdens a constitutional right.”

Here is what Mazin thought about Cruz wanting to ban masturbation:


Featured image by DonkeyHotey via flickr, available under Creative Commons 2.0 license.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com