Some GOP Congressmen Convinced Trump Has Alzheimer’s, May Need To Be Replaced

It’s a question that’s been asked ever since Donald Trump first declared his candidacy back in 2015: Is he mentally competent to be president?

Consider some evidence which might indicate that Trump is indeed suffering from some form of dementia:

  • Back in July, as he exited Air Force One, Trump was unable to realize that the presidential limousine was right in front of him:

  • In September, Trump said his wife, Melania, really wanted to be with him as he visited hurricane victims. She was standing right next to him:

  • On three separate occasions, Trump has started to walk out of the Oval Office before actually signing the Executive Orders he was there to announce and sign:

So it should come as no surprise that New York Times columnist David Brooks reports that there are now Republicans who think Trump is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s and may need to be removed from office immediately. As Brooks noted in his Friday column:

“The Republican senators went to the White House and saw a president so repetitive and rambling, some thought he might be suffering from early Alzheimer’s. But they know which way the wind is blowing. They gave him a standing ovation.”

Trump does indeed repeat himself. He also forgets that he’s said things and then denies he’s said them minutes later. That seems to be indicative of a larger problem.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are 10 signs and symptoms of the disease. Here’s a few of them:

  • Changes in mood and personality
  • Challenges in planning or solving problems
  • Difficulty completing tasks
  • Confusion with time or place
  • Decreased or poor judgment

Now think for a moment and answer this question honestly: Has Donald Trump ever shown any of these warning signs? And should he be the person with the ability to launch our nuclear weapons?

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