Paul Krugman: Future Historians Could Say That ‘American Democracy Died In May 2017’
Liberal America
It's been a disturbing and at times surreal week in Washington, D.C. From the sudden dismissal of FBI Director James Comey to the endless lying emanating from both the so-called president and his spokespeople, it's...
How much more can the people of the United States take from the Trump administration and the cruel asshats in the GOP? It has been a constant assault on our rights since the inauguration. With...
Trump’s Budget Director Says Dems Hurt Little Donny’s FeeFees And Made Him SAD (VIDEO)
Liberal America
President Donald Trump is famous for having tantrums. Specifically -- acting out like a five-year-old that was just told he couldn't have ice cream for breakfast. Trump's entire cabinet and White House staff act like abused...
It's a dream come true for some people. There have always been those that reject the complexity of things that they don't understand. Sitting around poker tables, gathered in taverns or dressed in their best...
Atheists don't have it well in political life. While there are ways big and small that America disenfranchises the non-religious, one of the biggest is in public service. Out of the 535 members of Congress,...
Today is indeed the first day of Spring, but it's also five days after what the ancient Romans referred to as the Ides of March. Julius Ceasar, you probably recall, was assassinated on the Ides...
Burning bridges and making enemies isn't exactly a new behavior for President Donald Trump. He was, after all, a businessman. But he's a got a new job now, and the enemies that he is making...
We've been watching this shit show for over a month and becoming increasingly unsure that our country will survive the Trump presidency. Could it be that the Simpsons was spot-on when President Lisa Simpson had to...
Every time I see Jeff Sessions on the TV, the attorney in me shudders. I'm proud to be a part of the profession, I worked hard to graduate from law school and even harder to pass...
Michael Moore Keeps Promise: Keeping People Connected In These Times Of Strife (VIDEO)
Jennifer Anderson
Remember November 9, 2016? You may not. Most of us were in shock.
Nonetheless, I want you to close your eyes and try to go back there for a minute. It was the day we knew...
As difficult as it may be to remember, it wasn’t long ago that there was a smart, articulate, decent, honorable man in the Oval Office, and not... President Donald Trump.
There are many reasons why we...
During the final weeks of the 2016 campaign for the Missouri Seventh Congressional District the incumbent, Republican Billy Long, spent little time campaigning in his district, even though Congress was not in session.
Long held a...
Weasely Priebus Says We Should Take Trump ‘Seriously’ When He Calls Media ‘The Enemy’ (VIDEO)
Liberal America
This week, Donald Trump said the media is the enemy of the American people. That's to be expected since Trump is a bully, a narcissist, and a pathological liar. He cannot stand for anyone or...
The race to approve Trump's cabinet selection for Secretary of Education has been a tough one. The vote was split along party lines, with Republicans voting for and Democrats against. During the last two weeks,...
Separation Between Church & State
The phrase "wall of separation between Church & State" was originally penned by Thomas Jefferson in 1802. The metaphor of a wall of separation is often used to understand the Establishment...
Many of you might have noticed that since the inauguration on January 20, the White House press staff has been busy trying to get the nation to believe "Alternative Facts." Merriam-Webster, the dictionary peeps, decided...
4 Ways The Democratic Party Sucked Opposing Trump – But Could Work At NOT SUCKING (VIDEO)
Joe Messina
Make no mistake; Donald Trump is a scary president who requires opposition. He has conveyed fascistic vibes on more than one occasion. And I’m not just talking about his insane idea to hold military parades...
I traveled over 750 miles last Friday to take part in the Women's March On Washington. And I was not alone. With marches taking place across the globe, from the flagship march in the nation's...
Why are Liberals taking aim at one another in an endless circular firing squad when we should be uniting against the propaganda machine created by the Trump/Putin bromance?
I recently read a poorly written editorial piece on...
WTF was that?!
If you watched the so-called "press conference" Donald Trump held today, then you may feel as if you just emerged from a surreal landscape where nothing is as it seems. Salvador Dali would...