Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Please note: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Liberal America.  Recently the heartbreaking story of the suicide of Tyrone Unsworth has emotionally affected many....
In the two weeks since Election Day, we have learned two things. One is that Hillary Clinton clearly won the popular vote. The other is that Donald Trump has proven beyond any doubt that he...
I'm back!! It's been a while since I have written, but in light of the recent election, I felt that it was time to come back and write. Things need to be said, and we...
The enthusiasm of a free speech explosion is here. The recent election has jolted everyone in this country from all walks of life. The far Right thinks they have a new lease on power, the established...
The opinions expressed herein are those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of Liberal America.   So, Donald Trump is the president-elect, and it seems like there is a lot of blame to...
The opinions in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the views of Liberal America. "Hillary 2016" was a mantra that we adopted, a belief that we shared, and a dream that we...
american election
So, here we are. President-elect Trump. It happened. Most of us – myself included – did not see this one coming. America has elected a man who thinks nothing of bragging of sexual assault. Who boasted of...
This story first ran on the Being Liberal Medium blog and has been reprinted with permission of the author. Today I voted… I voted for him. Not the man running who sees women as an object. I...
As this election draws to its increasingly anti-climactic conclusion, it is becoming increasingly evident that Donald Trump is going to lose on November 8. More than likely he will lose very badly. Some projections have...
child sexual abuse
Trigger WARNING: This chronicles a true case of child sexual abuse. It is descriptive and graphic. NSFW. I was 10. It was innocent play. A quick and simple brush of my crotch. I didn't seem to...
donald trump paul ryan endorsement
When it comes to Donald Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., offers no empathy or support. Speaker Ryan has regularly come out in opposition to the things the Republican Presidential nominee had said and one,...
Halloween has the tendency to be a holiday that drums up a lot of controversy whenever it comes around. Granted, some years are worse than others, but no Halloween can rear its monster-promoting, diabetes-inducing face...
Shortly after the news broke Friday about comments Donald Trump made in 2005 regarding how he treats women and gets away with it because he's wealthy and famous, Mike Pence began to get questions regarding...
I can't say for sure, but I suspect that when Mike Pence isn't treating facts like a red-headed step-child or cheering next to a man who likely powders his face with Dorito dust, he's probably sucking...
religious freedom arguments
What does "religious freedom" mean to you? Is it the right of the religious to freely promote and practice their religious beliefs unadulterated or is it an excuse by religious communities to use doctrines for...
bernie sanders
Bernie Sanders ran a good campaign. I voted for him in my state's primary, I sent him money, and I even stood in line for hours with my two small children just to hear him...
clinton trump debate family affair
On the night of Monday, Sept. 26, a family defied great distances between them to exchange ideas and banter with one another on social media while Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton engaged in their first...
donald trump drug dealer
A campaign volunteer for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump recently resigned after saying that "there wasn't any racism before Obama." In the midst of that resignation, the guests on Saturday's "AMJoy" had some choice words...
This is America. The land of the free and the home of the brave. People have civil rights. Opportunities abound for everyone regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. Mostly. So, why are we...
Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders says angst and pain of the American people are reasons why Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is doing so well this election year. In a CNN interview Sanders says: "I very rarely...