12 million workers are set to lose federal unemployment benefits the day after Christmas if Republican lawmakers continue withholding funding for federal COVID-19 relief programs, threatening workers with evictions, student loan bills, and other expenses as the pandemic ramps up...
Your taxes are about to go up.
But it isn't because Joe Biden was elected president.
Three years ago, almost to the day, when the Republican party held in the majority in both congressional chambers, Donald Trump...
We see the headlines every year, particularly now, around the holidays.
In the richest country in world history--where Congress pays corporations to keep their workforces poor, where wealthy tax cheats benefit more from coronavirus pandemic relief...
12 million workers are set to lose federal unemployment benefits the day after Christmas if Republican lawmakers continue withholding funding for federal COVID-19 relief programs, according to a new Century Foundation report.
The study's authors, Andrew...
Republicans have perfected the rhetoric of blaming our economic woes on social safety nets, specifically Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), aka “food stamps.”
They have convinced large swaths of supporters...
One day before being released from Walter Reed Naval Hospital for treatment for COVID-19, Donald Trump stated in a video he "learned a lot about Covid,” adding:
"I learned it by really going to school. This...
We here in real America should be growing accustomed to wearing masks in public, avoiding crowds, social distancing, and rubbing our hands raw with prodigious amounts of hand sanitizer.
We here in real America have to...
Who doesn't want to pay lower taxes?
Of all the concerns voters have, the amount they pay in taxes seems to be the most prevalent complaint.
So when Donald Trump signed a memorandum last week suspending payroll...
Negotiations began this week for another coronavirus economic relief package, anticipated to be the last before the general election in the fall.
This follows the initial Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the bipartisan...
If there is anything the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic fiasco has exposed, it's our societal inequities.
When it comes to public health, the most obvious inequity lies in the reality that we spend the most money on healthcare--20%...
New York, New Jersey, and California top the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the nation.
Consider they are also states with Democratic governors and have been targets of Donald Trump’s ridicule.
They are also commonly cited as the...
Former Democratic presidential candidate--now CNN political commentator--Andrew Yang had a unique signature issue among the other presidential contenders with whom he shared the stage.
He wanted to give every American $1,000 from what he called the "Freedom Dividend."
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is this generation's smallpox.
It's our 1918 influenza pandemic.
Considering our financial infrastructure was already failing before the pandemic reached our shores, the sudden upset to businesses, medical facilities, education, transportation, employment--society at large--are...
One of the ways Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination for president, and ultimately the White House in 2016, was his opposition to other GOP contenders on Medicare, Social Security, healthcare, and the Iraq war.
While the other Republicans–Jeb Bush,...
Donald Trump has not been a complete failure as president.
Rollbacks of environmental regulations and gains achieved under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare); shout-outs to white supremacists; rewards to supporters with cabinet positions; cuts to education...
One of the ways Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination for president, and ultimately the White House, in 2016 was his opposition to other GOP contenders on Medicare, Social Security, healthcare, and the Iraq war.
While the other Republican candidates...
A great deal of last week’s Democratic debates centered on healthcare.
And when the chilling words “Medicare-for-All” are spoken, there is inevitably someone--moderate Democrat or Republican--who is going to turn around and trot out right-wing talking...
Last year, Donald Trump perpetrated the longest government shutdown in U.S. history over funding for his racist border wall along the Mexican border.
He had originally demanded $5.7 billion for its construction, and even temporarily conceded...
We are due for an economic downturn.
Of course that's inevitable in our economy.
Republicans that held the majority in Congress the past several years have successfully rolled back reforms passed after the 2008 recession meant to stop big...
Remember just before the end of 2017 when Donald Trump signed into law the Republican “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?”
Trump claimed he and lawmakers “reached an agreement on tax legislation that will deliver more jobs, higher wages...