The end of 2017, Donald Trump signed into law the Republican “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.” Basically, it is a tax bill that hands $1.5 trillion in permanent tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy like Trump and his ilk. It...
Donald Trump’s border wall government shutdown has now surpassed the four-week mark. Never before in our nation's history have we seen a shutdown so long--or so crippling. 25 days and counting are having devastating consequences on the American economy...
As if Donald Trump's border wall government shutdown were not already causing great holiday pain to the 800,000 unpaid and 380,000 furloughed federal employees, the president on Friday decided to order a freeze on those federal employees'...
Remember just before the new year when Donald Trump signed into law the Republican “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?” Basically, it was the tax bill that handed $1.5 trillion in permanent tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy like Trump and his...
Remember the $1.5 trillion permanent tax cuts Donald Trump signed into law in December? Republicans told us the projected economic growth will ultimately result in the cuts “paying for themselves,” which is exactly what the American...
The Trump administration released its long-awaited infrastructure plan on Monday. Weighing in at 55 pages, it calls on lawmakers to craft legislation for a $1.5 trillion infrastructure package centering on public/private partnerships and heavy state and local...
Did you know there was another government shutdown Friday? It only lasted a few hours, but the $400 billion budget bill Congress ultimately passed and President Donald Trump signed is expected to balloon federal deficits to the tune...
After two days of a partial government shutdown, it appears as though the government will re-open after the Senate voted 81 to 18 to fund operations until February 8. But the next time someone spouts to...
We woke up this morning to the first government shutdown in four years. The past few days, there has been little talk about anything else in the media, leaving many wondering what the effects of a...
trump china credit rating
Not heard much about what happened on Wednesday, have you? Yeah, neither have I. We've all been too busy being outraged by Donald Trump's inane tweets and utterances (which totally deserved our outrage, BTW), and...
One of the reasons (and there are several) Donald Trump won the White House was his promise not to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. This made him very popular among his base, many of whom...
There is no shortage of critics of the Republican "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act;" i.e., the tax bill that hands $1.5 trillion in permanent tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy like President Trump and his ilk. Even Sen. Marco...
The recently signed $1.5 trillion Republican tax bill that hands permanent tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy like President Trump nearly failed because of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). At the end of the day, though, Rubio threw...
On Friday, President Donald Trump signed the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" into law, effecting the most drastic changes to the American tax code in three decades that hands permanent tax breaks to corporations and the...
Republicans are all set to cut a lot of taxes. Just not yours. Today President Donald Trump enacted the most drastic changes to the American tax code in three decades. Last night the Republican Senate took the final...
US Navy Super Hornet Encounter With UFO In 2004
Earlier this week, video footage of U.S. Navy aircraft tracking an unidentified flying object (UFO) surfaced. This revealed the existence of a multimillion-dollar partially classified Department of Defense (DOD) program. Within the DOD's $600 billion...
Amid Roy Moore's defeat and Donald Trump's harassing tweets, let's not forget Republicans are still trying to pass a $1.5 trillion tax bill that would create the most significant revision of our tax code in decades. Alabama...
Amid the glaring problems with the Republicans' rewrite of our tax code, there is another issue that should concern us--time. Is there enough of it to allow America to adjust to the changes since several provisions in...
Trump gives speech on Nov. 30.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump issued a speech attempting to characterize his legislative goals and tax cut bill as "populist." Despite significant contradictory analysis, the president claimed his efforts negativity affect wealthy individuals and aids...
Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) was confronted on the Senate floor by his colleague, Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), for not doing enough to save the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Hatch created the program with Senator Edward...