Pope Francis has come out and said that we need to end tax exempt statuses of churches and church buildings that don't help the needy. He specifically mentioned religious institutions that are using loopholes to avoid...
The strength of a country is based on a strong middle class...
Pew Research Center just released a new study that shed light on how America's economic problem in the metropolitan area have opened the door for political polar opposites Donald Trump (R- NY) and Bernie Sanders (D-VT). It's...
Former CIA directors Jim Woolsey and Michael Hayden (image courtesy CIA's Flickr feed, part of public domain)
When President Obama announced he was dropping the hammer on Russia for launching cybertacks to influence the presidential election, Donald Trump harrumphed that we ought to just "get on with our lives." But in light...
// // Today "unexpectedly" Japan slid back into recession. Some people say it is only the "first shoe" of many to come. The world economy seems to be falling apart again. Both The Huffington Post and...
815 million people around the world went hungry last year. This, according to the latest data from the United Nations, is the first increase in global hunger in more than 15 years. Sweeping initiatives from nations all...
Amid the glaring problems with the Republicans' rewrite of our tax code, there is another issue that should concern us--time. Is there enough of it to allow America to adjust to the changes since several provisions in...
Well, it happened. Despite overwhelming opposition (including a bomb threat that temporarily evacuated the hearing room), and requests for delay from 18 state attorneys over concerns of a corrupted public comment process, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) yesterday repealed regulations protecting...
Three young exotic dancers, going by the names Jane Doe I, II, and III, say in a lawsuit that the state of Louisiana is hindering their freedom of expression by not allowing them to dance. These ladies...
Even if the rumors about Education Secretary Betsy DeVos' impending resignation are true, the attack upon America's teachers is just getting started. The Supreme Court announced in September it is going to hear early next year...
Did you know there was another government shutdown Friday? It only lasted a few hours, but the $400 billion budget bill Congress ultimately passed and President Donald Trump signed is expected to balloon federal deficits to the tune...
Since the inaugural days of the Trump Administration, it’s been clear that they’re not big fans of the arts. The only books Trump knows of, after all, are The Holy Bible and The Art of...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." One of the promises President Donald Trump made on the campaign trail was to deny millions of refugees admission to...
Sometimes, even in these precarious times of stress and uncertainty, there is cause to breathe an occasional sigh of relief. Some bad news from late last week was that President Donald Trump issued an executive order...
minimum wage
Republicans love to tout "local control," "states' rights," and "smaller government." You've heard the talking points: "Let the states decide their own gun control laws." "The federal government is not in the education business." "It's not the government's job...
Tax Cuts
Reagan's Tax Cuts For The Wealthy Were The Biggest Political Scam In The History of The United States The Republican theory that tax cuts for the wealthy (better known as "Reaganomics") will trickle down to us...
On April 12, 2016, then-presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) held a campaign rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York in which he talked about the "physiology of poverty." In other words, concern over where...
The Growth Of National Income Since WWII In US, 1946-2014
Last week, the World Inequality Lab released its first report based on the World Wealth and Income Database (WID). Constructed in part by famous economist Thomas Piketty, the report released at the Paris School of Economics....
Who would have imagined people would have to protest for a free and open internet? Yet that is exactly what is planned to occur outside Federal Communication Commission (FCC) headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, the day...
After two days of a partial government shutdown, it appears as though the government will re-open after the Senate voted 81 to 18 to fund operations until February 8. But the next time someone spouts to...
Earlier this week, as part of an interview he gave to Fox News, Donald Trump announced he had just learned that Ford Motor Company was about to "fire all their employees in the United States and...move...