Black Lives Matter activists decided to visit the family of a Black man who was shot by a Chicago police officer – they weren't there to protest, but to simply check in and make sure...
Donald Trump seems to be on a crusade to substantiate his claims of a rigged election and insists that the media is supporting Hillary Clinton. Over the weekend, Trump called out Google, Twitter, Facebook, and...
Tyrone Tappler Productions, a Christian initiative, was to open a haunted house at Fernwood Elementary School, with the theme of the event being the Pulse Nightclub massacre. The haunted house has been shut down amidst...
The Yale Record, America's Oldest College Humor Magazine, has NOT endorsed Hillary Clinton - in a most spectacular way. The Yale Record is based in the college town of New Haven, Connecticut and was founded by Edward...
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is not alone when it comes to undermining the integrity of the political system – the entire GOP has been hell-bent on destroying trust in the system for decades, according...
A newly released poll of millennial trends in the run-up to the election says more than 50 percent of them would sooner have Earth struck by a giant meteor than have Republican candidate Donald Trump as...
A recent data leak by WikiLeaks has shown many compelling details about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's campaign, including emails mentioning the possibility of having Michael Bloomberg as her Secretary of State. Initially, Bloomberg was...
pence donald trump clinton drugs
Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence isn't sure if Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is taking performance-enhancing drugs before the presidential debates. At a rally on Saturday in New Hampshire, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump...
Trump all white rally
There are, indeed, racist online communities that thrive off of bigotry, hatred, and other social ills – and now they have employed code words to avoid censorship online. They use an array of seemingly innocent words...
College Republicans have long been a bit of an oxymoron on campuses across the United States. For every one Alex P. Keaton, there are roughly 40 Mike “meathead” Stivics. According to a piece in the...
Bernie election 2016
This election looks to be coming down to the wire and the White House is up for grabs. If there is one thing I know that young people really hate, it is being told what...
Bernie Sanders has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton – and now his pundits are showing support to help her gain an edge over her Republican opponent, Donald Trump. The first presidential debate of this election cycle...
Yes, I'm a millennial, and I have something to say to a certain subset of our millennial generation. To all of the "Bernie or Bust" people; we need to get behind Hillary Clinton. We have...
We are dealing with the racism of the Baby Boomers in this election. Many of them are supporting Trump. We can still win over the millennials; they are another big group that could turn this...
There is a good chance that you do not trust the mainstream media – actually, a Gallup poll shows that about 32 percent of Americans has distrust towards the mainstream media. This poll surveyed individuals...
Back in May, there was an incident at the Cincinnati zoo that went viral online. A child fell into the gorilla enclosure, and the gorilla, Harambe, ended up being killed. The gorilla wasn't doing anything...
sexual assault rape culture
For those of you not familiar with this term, "rape culture" was coined by 1970s feminists that has come back recently. It refers to the way society blames the victims of sexual assault for their...
Bagpipe player confronts street preacher
The public square. A place on a university campus where people are encouraged to gather, debate, argue, and exchange ideas; even ideas that most find repulsive. Such was the case last week at Florida Gulf Coast...
For those of us who were in school in the 1990s, we got excited when the teacher would bring a TV into the classroom. This usually meant that we would be watching a movie that...
In 2012, an FBI sting led to the arrest of the then 18-year-old, Adel Daoud. Daoud was charged with an attempted terrorist attack when he planted a bomb near a downtown Chicago nightclub. Now 22, Daoud...