According to a friend of the family, 29-year-old Iraq vet Ke'Arre Stewart was one of three victims killed in a right-wing domestic terrorist attack Friday against a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Stewart survived a...
Robert Dear Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Shooter Colorado Springs
The fact that three are dead and a total of nine were injured after the standoff at the Colorado Springs, Colo. Planned Parenthood between a lone gunman and the Colorado Springs, Colo., Police Department is a...
Shooting at Planned Parenthood
The standoff at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs has ended with the police taking the suspect alive, though no identification has been made yet. With three confirmed dead, the Colorado Springs PD will likely be investigating...
It's doubtful that you've ever heard the name Reford Theobold. He has served as a council member and also the mayor of Grand Junction, Colorado. But it's something he did way back in 2001 that put...
Tending Bar In Boulder, Lindsey Graham
Presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is unique in a field of Republican contenders. He appears to genuinely enjoy his campaign run, unlike the rest of the Republican candidates. Consistently, the debaters trudge across the...
Tonight, Oct. 28, the GOP will hold its third Republican presidential debate in Boulder, Colorado at the Coors Event Center. While the arena, located on the University of Colorado Boulder campus, seats 11,000, only 1,000...
When Naomi Barringer and her daughter Kaitlyn, who has a physical disability, went to their car on August 28, they found a hateful note accusing them of using a handicapped parking spot without being "really handicapped." Here's...
The Denver City Council has blocked--at least temporarily--the addition of a Chick-Fil-A restaurant at Denver International Airport because of the company's well-known stance on the issue of same-sex marriage and LGBT equality. Councilman Paul Lopez called...
Colorado Rainbow Flag
Let this be a lesson to us all: Even when it seems like the fight is over, someone's always willing to try and turn the clock back on us. From the state that brought you legalized...
A memorial to the Aurora shooting victims (courtesy Wikimedia Commons)
It's almost an article of faith among gun-control opponents that James Holmes went on his rampage in an Aurora theater because it was the only one close to his apartment that didn't allow patrons to...
Robert Basevitz is the plaintiff in a suit against Fremont, Colorado Re-2 School District and Florence High School. Basevitz claims that the school and the administration acted ?in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First...
The owner of?Rubbin Buttz BBQ restaurant in Milliken, Colorado, recently had what he thought was a brilliant idea: Hold a "White Appreciation Day" in which only white patrons receive a 10 percent discount on what...
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Colorado is representing two African-American men who were recently stopped and detained by police in an case of what the ACLU calls blatant racial profiling. And they have...
One of the Denver area's largest heating and cooling companies is in full damage-control mode amid one of the most egregious instances of racism in recent memory. One of the Denver HVAC company's now-fired managers...
Who would have thought that a few tiny yellow fish could cause so much trouble? Well, when they are a hearty invasive species like goldfish, the trouble spreads like wildfire. Wildlife officials in Colorado believe that...
Every now and then I come across something that is so despicable, so incredibly odious, that it literally makes me want to rip the hair out of my head. Yep, you guessed it: This is...
First of all, what is ?revenge pornography? anyway? Well, one website has the problem of "revenge pornography"?described as: ?The disclosure of sexually explicit images without consent and for no legitimate purpose? causes immediate, devastating, and in...
On January 6, the city of Colorado Springs was rocked by a bomb that exploded near the NAACP office. As the investigation progressed, it was initially determined that the crime was targeting the NAACP office...
Vending machines are no longer just a post-pot pit stop to cure munchie cravings. On Tuesday, Seattle made history when the first vending machine to dispense actual marijuana buds debuted at Seattle Caregivers, one of...