According to the National Rifle Association (NRA), "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
Catchy slogan.
Perhaps it will change now after an unarmed African American...
When the history books are written about the aftermath of the horrific Valentine's Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, a significant chapter will have to be devoted to how the...
FL High School Shooter Wants To Plead Guilty–But Prosecutors Still Want Death (VIDEO/TWEET)
Darrell Lucus
Less than 72 hours after 17 people were gunned down at a Florida high school, attorneys for the man who pulled the trigger let it be known their client was willing to plead guilty and...
Ever since the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, overwhelming support for common-sense reform of our gun laws has run into a seemingly immovable object--the National Rifle Association. Like clockwork, the NRA warns that...
Late Friday, attorneys for the man responsible for one of the worst school shootings in recent history dropped a bombshell--their client is willing to accept a sentence of life in prison if prosecutors take the...
Lately, when there's a mass shooting at a school, you can count on right-wing luminaries to claim that such butchery would have never happened if Jesus were still welcome in the schoolhouse and in our...
The recently signed $1.5 trillion Republican tax bill that hands permanent tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy like President Trump nearly failed because of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).
At the end of the day, though, Rubio threw...
Even though it took him nearly a year, Donald Trump finally managed to get a bill through Congress this week. The infamous tax scam bill which will drastically cut tax rates for the ultra-rich and...
Donald Trump insists that he can't release his tax returns because he's being audited. That was exposed as a transparent lie almost as soon as he peddled that excuse; the IRS said in February 2016...
Donald Trump was in Pensacola, Florida, Friday evening for one of his ridiculous rallies, and when he wasn't urging voters in Alabama to vote for an accused child predator to represent them in the U.S....
From Harvey Weinstein to Charlie Rose, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) to Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), recent workplace sexual misconduct allegations have dominated daily headlines.
Amid all the high-profile accusations, though, it's easy to forget one environment...
One of the most nauseating moments of 2017 has been the religious right's continued support for Donald Trump even in the face of the almost daily outrages coming from this White House. Equally nauseating has...
We recently learned the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) granted leniency to 4,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients whose renewal documents had been sitting unclaimed in a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) mailbox.
For most of the last week, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson has been the latest target of Donald Trump's wrath. The congresswoman from north Miami hit the ceiling after learning that Trump made particularly callous remarks to...
We almost saw a tragedy when alt-right and neo-Nazi guru Richard Spencer brought his hate to Gainesville, Florida on Thursday. No, it didn't involve the swastika-wearing Spencer supporter getting decked. Three of Spencer's most ardent...
THIS VIDEO Proves What Chief Of Staff John Kelly Said About Rep. Frederica Wilson Is Total BS
Liberal America
When he appeared before the White House press corps in the briefing room Thursday, Chief of Staff John Kelly did his best to try and prop up his lying boss. But he went farther than...
Well-known white nationalist/alt-right/neo-Nazi Richard Spencer spoke at the University of Florida on Thursday, and one of his acolytes thought it'd be a good idea to show up dressed in skinhead clothing, including a T-shirt covered...
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), there are 917 active hate groups in America today, and there have been over 1,000 documented hate crime incidents since President Donald Trump's election.
One group lately reentering...
After President Trump managed to completely screw up his visit to Puerto Rico on Tuesday (remember him tossing rolls of paper towels to Hurricane Maria victims?), Mike Pence thought he'd travel to Orlando on Friday...
If there's one thing we know conclusively about Donald Trump, it's that he's a narcissist. If something doesn't impact him, he's not interested in how it might potentially harm someone else. He lacks the capacity...