Protests over the police shooting of another unarmed Black man intensified Tuesday amid months of unrelenting protests following the Memorial Day murder of George Floyd and of Breonna Taylor. The latest victim is Jacob Blake, 29,...
Anyone still needing evidence of Republicans' racist voter suppression tactics should look at what just happened in Georgia. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is calling Tuesday's in-person presidential primary a “complete meltdown” after predominantly minority regions of the state...
The 2020 presidential election is fast approaching, and Donald Trump can probably count on at least some of the 46 percent who approve of him voting for him. But as the coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease...
Last week, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers issued an executive order postponing the state’s presidential primary to June 9, as his counterparts in other states have done. That was until the state’s Republican-majority supreme court intervened, ruling elections must...
To date, Georgia, Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Louisiana, Kentucky, Puerto Rico, and New York have postponed their presidential primary elections. But something just happened in Wisconsin. On Monday, Gov. Tony Evers issued an executive...
Fortunately, the violence Donald Trump threatened when faced with the possibility of losing control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections did not come to fruition. But the absence of riots and bloodshed does...
There's a saying: "Not all Republicans are racists, but if someone is racist, he's probably a Republican." While it would be unfair to stereotype all Republicans as racists, the GOP has not exactly been the party...
Paul Nehlen (image courtesy Nehlen's Facebook)
House Speaker Paul Ryan is one of the most loathsome characters in Washington. But believe it or not, it was possible that the people of Wisconsin's 1st District could have been saddled with far worse....
David Clarke with Donald Trump (image from Clarke's Twitter)
When Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio was fired by his constituents in 2016, the title of "looniest sheriff in America" went to Milwaukee County, Wisconsin's David Clarke. It wasn't even a contest. After all,...
Paul Nehlen (image courtesy Nehlen's Facebook)
House Speaker Paul Ryan is a loathsome character. That was amply established long before he helped jam through a massive "tax reform" package that represents a massive giveaway to corporations and the wealthy. But believe it...
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is a very happy man. He's finally managed to pass massive tax cuts for the rich that will explode the deficit so he can then implement his plan to...
Paul Ryan -- who only reluctantly agreed to be Speaker of the House when the GOP was desperate to find a consensus candidate -- could be on the verge of giving up his position as...
Last week, we learned Facebook was preparing to give Congress 3,000 Russian-purchased ads through 470 phony pages and accounts that suggest African American rights groups, like Black Lives Matter, posed a political threat, in an effort to...
The city of Madison, Wisconsin, is considered a liberal oasis in a state that voted this past fall for Donald Trump. Often celebrated (or chastised, depending on your point of view) as the "Berkeley of...
Sheriff David Clarke, the controversial Milwaukee County lawman with strong ties to Donald Trump, is reportedly taking a position with a Trump-aligned super PAC, sources are reporting. Clarke abruptly resigned from his position as sheriff last...
The Supreme Court is once again stepping in to determine whether an electoral procedure as old as the republic violates the Constitution. Monday, the nation's highest court announced it will begin looking into gerrymandered election maps for evidence of discrimination...
Randy Bryce (D) is challenging Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R) for re-election in Wisconsin’s first congressional district. A mustachioed Army veteran and union iron worker (he tweets @IronStache), Bryce has exactly the sort of...
How do you stand up to the man? There's nothing special about what the Republican Party does. They represent a belief in a world where the strong should dominate the weak. Theirs is a bastardized view of Darwinian...
During the campaign, President Donald Trump talked about how our infrastructure is crumbling and how he wants to "rebuild America." Here are some places where he should start: 1. Waukesha County, Wisconsin The water in Waukesha County has...
Wrong Number
In this digital age we live in, everyone makes the odd mistake. In this case a woman texted an unsuspecting 35 year old man from Wisconsin, thinking it was her daughter Jess. The results were so...