Rep. Bill Pascrell, a New Jersey Democrat, exposed a months-old plan to defund Obamacare that was devised by an unelected ?phantom government,? including over three dozen conservative groups. Tea Party Patriots has a published ?Defunding Obamacare...
Ashley Dionne, a 26-year-old graduate from the University of Michigan has become the new face of Obamacare hate after posting a letter to conservative radio host Dennis Prager's Facebook page Monday. Conservative media outlets such as...
Let's take a moment to close our eyes and think of a cigar smoke-filled room in a local Georgetown bar. The time is early November in the year 2008. Inside this room are some of...
Four Reasons Why The ACA Will Be Popular - Even Among Republicans
It's been a week since the US government shut down amid a GOP-engineered hissy fit in a move likely to go down as one of the worst planned political shenanigans in history.? Ostensibly, the reason...
Republicans are becoming more and more desperate to defeat Obamacare, and it shows, as they go head to head with Democrats. Senate Majority PAC just bought a huge radio advertisement in Kentucky and aimed it...
In the town of Nassau, New York, a beautiful, blonde, spirited woman named Fallon Mirsky lays in her bed praying for a miracle. She prays for dissolution to the daily exhausting routine her family endures...
Every young American needs to see the real impact Obamacare will have on them.
Medicaid expansion supporters
Michigan is the 24th state to approve the Medicaid expansion. What's taking the other 26 so long?
Texas Demonstrators holding signs supporting the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
If voters knew the ugly truth about how Big Health Insurance really works, would they still want Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act?
Is 'non-compliance' the new Black? You won't believe the reasons why you could be denied medical treatment even when you think you're covered.
stephen colbert obamacare
Members of the Tea Party group Freedom Works may not be flattered about the attention they received on Monday's episode of the Colbert Report ; However, there is no harm in a little constructive criticism....
Tea party thinks having AIDS is a good thing
Well look what the land of sexual deviancy has brought us; not only a deadly disease, but mandatory testing. This is what is now being trumpeted from the Tea Party website, Freedom Outpost.? Even the announcement...
How Republicans Hurt Children
Red states are good if you're a business, blue states are good if you're a human. At least that's the takeaway from two recently-released reports, the Annie E. Casey Foundation's "KIDS COUNT Data Book" and...
Ever since the Citizens United decision, the over-taxed and over-regulated Koch Brothers have spent endless?millions promoting every?Libertarian cause, from?suppressing?working poor and minority voting rights, to complete business deregulation.? The dubious siblings, estimated to be worth...
This piece was originally a section in another article on which I'm currently working. But there was so much information that I felt it began to take over the entire original article, and I made...