Last week, USA Today published an opinion editorial column attributed to Donald Trump titled "Democrats 'Medicare for All' plan will demolish promises to seniors." Immediately, Washington Post fact-checkers got to work. And what they found was nothing short of astounding. It turns...
Let's take a moment to close our eyes and think of a cigar smoke-filled room in a local Georgetown bar. The time is early November in the year 2008. Inside this room are some of...
obama smoking
In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, President Barack Obama said he believes marijuana use should be treated as a public health issue: "I do believe that treating this as a public-health issue, the same way we...
National Center for Health Statistics
National Center for Health Statistics just released new data showing that last year, U.S. death rates rose for the first time in a decade. "The crude death rate for all causes was 841.9 per 100,000 population,...
vaccines donald trump
What a crazy night. The second GOP debate was even more entertaining than the first. There were soooooo many insanely stupid moments. As we expected, clown candidate Donald Trump was one of the biggest stars...
Since the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) demonstrated its monarchical authority over democracy again in December by failing to defend the landmark 1973 Roe versus Wade case that legalized abortion, right-wing states are racing against each...
To date, more than 390,000 Americans have succumbed to COVID-19. As of Saturday, there are 23,644,885 confirmed cases in the United States. By the time you read this, it will be much higher, as officials warn we could...
Georgia State Representative Betty Price (image courtesy Georgia House of Representatives via The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
Earlier this week, we got a very loud reminder that state elections matter at least as much as federal elections. A Republican state representative in Georgia who happens to be the wife of a former...
Providence Memorial Hospital in El Paso (courtesy New York Daily News)
A hospital in El Paso is in full damage control mode after it learned a nurse assistant unwittingly put almost 800 people--including over 750 babies--at risk of getting tuberculosis. The woman, whose identity is being withheld...
Marco Rubio Quotes Make Me Sick
OMG! Does presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, even know a woman? I’m beginning to think he does not, because his attitude about women’s reproductive rights is way off the cliff, clinging to air, and splat on...
No matter how hard they try to pretend they actually give a damn about average Americans, Republicans seem to have a weakness for saying what they really feel when there's a camera around, proving their...
It happens to millions every year. They have a medical emergency and assume their health insurance will cover the costs. Then a month or so later they receive bills for the cost of "out-of-network" care. In the midst...
"Vulnerable," "entitlement," "diversity," "transgender," "fetus," "evidence-based," and "science-based." These are terms the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are reportedly prohibited from using in any official documents intended for next year's budget. The nation's top public health agency was...
Sometimes, even in these precarious times of stress and uncertainty, there is cause to breathe an occasional sigh of relief. Some bad news from late last week was that President Donald Trump issued an executive order...
You may have heard scuttlebutt that Republicans are at it again. As early as today or tomorrow, Republicans in Congress may vote to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), aka "Obamacare." Yes, the abysmal failure...
Bob Ruscoe is one of millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump in November, even though doing so was against his best interests, especially on the issue of health care. And now he's practically...
Trump gives speech on Nov. 30.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump issued a speech attempting to characterize his legislative goals and tax cut bill as "populist." Despite significant contradictory analysis, the president claimed his efforts negativity affect wealthy individuals and aids...
Salma Hayek rushed to a hospital wearing a completely inappropriate shirt.
Celebrities' movie projects sometimes require them to don some unexpected getups, as was the case with actress Salma Hayek two weeks ago, when she was rushed to a hospital wearing a completely inappropriate shirt. Scroll down...
Alex Wubbels being manhandled by Jeff Payne (screenshot courtesy YouTube)
Anyone who sees footage of a Salt Lake City police detective try to bully a nurse at University of Utah Hospital into letting him draw blood from an unconscious drunk driving victim would wonder how...
This piece was originally a section in another article on which I'm currently working. But there was so much information that I felt it began to take over the entire original article, and I made...