For James T. Hodgkinson, the 66 year old male Alexandria shooter, this was not his first brush with the law.
Hodgkinson had previously been arrested for domestic battery. Hodgkinson's name became front page news after shooting...
When President Donald Trump met with Russian officials a couple of weeks ago, he apparently thought the Oval Office was fitted with the "Cone of Silence."
He gave intelligence secrets to the Russians, and admitted that...
West Virginia Cop Sues For Being Fired Over Refusing To Shoot Mentally Ill Black Man (VIDEO)
Ted Millar
In America today, we sentence to prison people who chuckle at the Attorney General. We incarcerate more people than any other nation on the planet. And we fire police officers who refuse to shoot mentally...
Well, everyone knows we are not fond of President Donald Trump here at Liberal America. However, we are also not fond of the Republican "Saint" and former late president Ronald Reagan. Well, here's a comparison of...
Texas has both the highest percentage of people without health insurance in the country (nearly one in five) and the largest absolute number of uninsured (4.6 million). Sadly, the American Health Care Act – the...
By now, everyone knows that the American Health Care Act – the GOP’s slapdash replacement for Obamacare – is terrible. But just how terrible is it, really? Jon Perr answers that very question in a recent...
Famous child TV star Scott Baio has had a controversial week. It started out with his childhood sweetheart, and costar Erin Moran, dying. She had played Joanie to his Chachi in the hit series Happy...
Trigger Warning: There are mentions of graphic scenes and content.
A girl in Central Georgia attempted suicide via Facebook live. Luckily, Facebook users who recognized her called the police, and they were able to save her...
Expiration Of Gun Law Exemption May Mean Concealed Firearms In Mental Health Centers And Colleges
Ted Millar
Come July, even mentally ill patients confined to institutions in Kansas can carry concealed firearms.
In 2013, the state of Kansas enacted a gun-rights law to ensure gun owners the right to carry concealed weapons into...
Are you paying attention to how forgetful Donald Trump seems lately? Could he really have a mental condition? Bill Palmer writes:
"He’s forgetting names. He’s forgetting people. He’s forgetting what to do during the National Anthem. He’s...
35 Psychologists Just Confirmed: Trump Has ‘Dangerous Mental Illness’ And Is Unfit To Be President (VIDEO)
Joe Clark
On Thursday, at least 35 psychiatry experts held a conference at Yale University and confirmed what most of the world already knew about President Donald Trump. They found that Trump has a "dangerous mental illness,"...
Arkansas state is planning rushed executions this month and for the worst reason. The state has a batch of the drug midazolam, a sedative that is given in lethal injections, that will expire soon. As a...
Donald Trump is famous at this point for his rambling, topic jumping, convoluted remarks. He's well known for his over use of the same few words to describe every person and every situation.
Everything from Obamacare to...
Many people who are not Christians are having trouble finding a counselor or therapist here in the South. There are many counseling centers here that say they are Christian, so it's kind of hard to...
General David Petraeus knows a lot about life in the military. The General served for 37 years in the U.S. Army. He served for a year as the director of the CIA.
The General understands the pressures...
Since the days of the Republican primaries, professionals of all kinds have been pointing out the obvious mental instability of Donald J. Trump. In the weeks following his improbable election to the highest office in...
Facebook is using artificial intelligence (AI) to prevent suicides among its users. There are already tools in place to report a post of someone who is suicidal, but this will go even further. In a...
Apparently, the Republican Party wants the mentally ill to have the right to purchase firearms.
While having a clinical mental illness is not always debilitating, at this point in the game, it isn't the point.
This is the...
‘Trump A Danger To The Republic’: New Law Would Mandate Psychiatrist In White House (VIDEO)
Karen Shiebler
File this one under "too little, too late," but at least his heart is the right place.
Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu of California has been so troubled by the behavior of the new President of the...
Our president, Donald Trump, and his GOP minions seem to be dead-set on undoing everything former President Barack Obama did. The House has overturned a regulation prohibiting people with serious mental illnesses from buying guns.