There’s been a lot of finger pointing over where the coronavirus originated.
Did it come out of a Huanan seafood market, otherwise known as a wet market, in Wuhan, China?
Was it transmitted to humans from a pangolin?
Was it...
In 2017, Donald Trump announced the United States would be withdrawing from the landmark Paris Climate Accords, for which the formal withdrawal process began this past November and is expected to conclude this November 4th--that...
There's been a lot of finger pointing over where the coronavirus originated.
Did it come out of a Huanan seafood market, otherwise known as a wet market, in Wuhan, China?
Was it transmitted to humans from a...
Two year ago, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulators decreed they would no longer rigidly enforce emissions standards for cars and trucks, arguing the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan timeline is not appropriate and standards are “too high.”
While the nation...
We've likely all heard the cliche, "Every cloud has a silver lining."
Triteness aside, like most hackneyed phrases, it bears some truth.
Sometimes it takes a little effort to put a positive spin on unfortunate events, but...
Iconic actress Sally Field was arrested in Washington, D.C. on Friday at Jane Fonda's Fire Drill Fridays climate change march.
A video tweeted by the Fire Drill Fridays Twitter account shows Field being taken away by...
Time Magazine named teen activist Greta Thunberg their 2019 Person of the Year, making her the youngest person to be recognized. This is a much-deserved honor for a very worthy young woman.
Want to support Greta?...
"Untold suffering."
Is that dire enough?
It's a warning 11,000 scientists from 153 countries pose humanity faces unless it effects major societal transformations.
That warning published in the journal BioScience goes on to explain:
“We declare clearly and unequivocally...
U.S. Pres. Donald Trump is perhaps biting more than he can chew judging from the way he is up against the wall as far as environmental lawsuits are concerned. It is a telling commentary on...
In June of 2015, Donald Trump stood in the White House Rose Garden and announced the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords.
So much has transpired the past two years, it's easy to forget.
One week ago, more than 4,500 climate strikes rallied across 150 countries ahead of this week’s U.N. Climate Action Summit for the purpose of holding lawmakers accountable for aggressive action on climate change's imminent threat to...
Clinical psychologist and founder of the Climate Mobilization Project, Margaret Klein Salamon, stated:
“Americans are finally beginning waking up to the existential threat that the climate emergency poses to our society.”
She added:
“It’s young people that have...
"Judging by the climate coverage to date, most of the US news media still don’t get grasp the seriousness of this issue. This journalistic failure has given rise to a calamitous public ignorance, which in turn has...
"Nero fiddled while Rome burned."
According to historians, in the year 64, as a six-day conflagration that decimated Rome began, Roman emperor Nero was at his Antium villa 35 miles away. He supposedly returned immediately to...
Do you ever get the feeling the Trump administration deliberately contravenes whatever makes the most logical sense?
"Bad for the environment? Let's do it!"
"Blatantly violates basic civil rights? Of course!"
"Incites violence? What could possibly go wrong?"
Nothing will escape climate change's ravages.
International borders, economies, food and water supplies, health, education, transportation, energy sources, are all predicted to change with the climate as the planet warms faster than scientists predicted.
Another casualty we can...
It doesn't look good.
Seven months ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released an alarming report stating the world has 12 years to halt coal consumption and slash carbon dioxide emissions to prevent the atmosphere from warming more...
There are 265 power plants monitoring groundwater in the United States.
242 of them report unsafe levels of pollutants from coal ash waste disposal.
According to an analysis from the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP), nine out of every 10 coal plants,...
In case you haven't noticed, the weather has been--shall we say--unusual.
We needn't look any further than what occurred last week in the Midwest, where it was colder than in Antarctica and on Mount Everest.
The average...
"Substantial damage on US lives."
That is according to the US National Climate Assessment released Friday, adding “impacts of climate change are intensifying across the country," and "climate-related threats to Americans’ physical, social, and economic wellbeing are rising.”
The second...