New York City public school students will soon be able to tote cellphones into their schools, with certain restrictions. Previously there had been a ban on student cellphones in the schools of the Five Boroughs,...
Take your foot off the accelerator and listen carefully, fossil fuel junkie: saltwater-powered luxury sports cars made by nanoFlowcell are?now being road-tested in Europe. Yes, where the speed limits are fast and the cars are...
I get it. We adore our children. We think they are the cutest beings that have ever walked the face of the earth and we wish to capture every bit of cuteness and share it...
From the video description: Virgin Atlantic Flight 43 Boeing 747 Emergency Landing. Footage from the end of Runway 26L as Virgin Atlantic VS43 Boeing 747- 400 G-VROM Jumbo Jet conducts an emergency landing at London's Gatwick...
Forbes is reporting How Kim Dotcom Saved Christmas from the Lizard Squad. I'd like my kids to get to play with their new games, but I'm not sure this is the right way for it...
apple factory child labor
School systems often hand out iPads in the classroom?at the beginning of each year. In fact,?Apple sold a million iPads to schools in one quarter during 2012. Thus, it's disturbing?that horrendous Apple factory working conditions...
// // Unsurprisingly, there are quite a few questions to answer if you're thinking about applying for a job with the U.S. government. It stands to reason that the Feds want the most honest and...
Just in time for the holidays. If you're looking for the perfect gift for that tech junkie, conspiracy theorist or political agitator, look no further than the Big Data Pawn Shop. There, you can find the...
A screenshot of student progress on ClassDojo (from AuburnChick's Flickr)
A number of teachers across the country from pre-K to high school have begun trying a new way to handle a longstanding issue--monitoring their students' progress in the classroom. Many of them are turning to...
// // From our earlier article: On Monday morning, President Obama released a written statement coming out in full support of Net Neutrality. The President ran on the platform for net neutrality, so for many of...
There is a new number one phone in China. It is not a Samsung or an Apple. It is a Xiaomi. A "who-mi?" No. Xiaomi. It's pronounced "shiao-me" and it's the newest most serious threat...
mark zuckerberg mandarin
// // Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg recently visited China's?Tsinghua University for a 30-minute question and answer session and he shocked the audience members by conducting?it in Mandarin. He shocked me, too, actually.?I knew he had learned...
// // It's like Tinder, but for voters. Vocativ created the online?Votr app, which allows users to learn about U.S. Senate candidates. You answer 15 quick questions about your political beliefs and Votr will find candidates...
A Kingfish, one of the devices that law enforcement uses to monitor cell phone data. (Courtesy Ars Technica)
Sunday's edition of The Charlotte Observer led with an article that should send a chill down the spine of anyone concerned about privacy issues. Since 2006, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department has used tracking devices that...
// // Three teenagers from a Decatur, Georgia high school may have just created the next most useful app on the market. According to The Atlantic CityLab, Caleb, Ima and Asha Christian, three siblings who...
Jack Cooksey was one of the first lucky folks to get his hands on the greatly anticipated iPhone 6. He was also the first unlucky soul to drop the?iPhone 6. Even better? He dropped it...
A screenshot of the abortion fundraiser deleted by GoFundMe (courtesy ThinkProgress)
  The popular crowdfunding site GoFundMe is taking a severe reaming after announcing that users will no longer be allowed to raise money to fund abortions. The furor began when GoFundMe abruptly deleted the fundraiser for "Bailey,"...