// // In the near future, Reverend Christopher Benek plans to expand his congregation in a most unusual way: he intends to convert robots and machines with artificial intelligence (AI) to Christianity. In case you're...
We mustn't discount Russia's influence in the 2016 presidential election, especially since it's now been confirmed Russia officially penetrated several states’ voter rolls, and is gearing up to repeat its success this November. But Russia did not succeed...
Unexpectedly, the FBI has made a motion to cancel a hearing with the court that might have forced Apple to cooperate with a previous court order to comply with the agency’s demands. A Justice Department...
Many are aware Meta--the company now formerly known as Facebook--is a refuge for white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, and foreign trolls. But human traffickers? Among the complaints former Facebook employee, whistleblower Frances Haugen, filed with the Securities and...
Who would have imagined people would have to protest for a free and open internet? Yet that is exactly what is planned to occur outside Federal Communication Commission (FCC) headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, the day...
Could things get any more Orwellian? First former press secretary Sean Spicer told us Donald Trump's inauguration produced “the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration," in spite of facts proving the contrary. Then came the attacks...
The Russians are not coming. They are already here. Weeks ago, Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, warned that almost two decades since the September 11, 2001 attacks, “warning lights are blinking red again” for a devastating cyber assault on critical U.S....
Is anyone surprised Russian hackers appear responsible for the worst US government cyber attack in history? Is anyone surprised Donald Trump is downplaying it? Last week news broke about suspected Russian government hackers infiltrating computer systems for...
VoteBuilder, the demographic data aggregator, has proven to be the catalyst for tensions between the Bernie Sanders campaign and the Democratic National Committee. VoteBuilder is the party's demographics engine. The service receives voter data- i.e. whether...
Jonathan Weisman being "echoed" (screenshot from CyberTrump's Twitter)
Two weeks ago, Jonathan Weisman of The New York Times tweeted an article attacking Donald Trump, and was promptly bombarded with anti-Semitic garbage from supposed Trump supporters. You may recall that it began with a seemingly...
Alaska’s harsh and unforgiving climate makes it a challenge to survive, and even more so to evolve. Yet, Alaska’s Kodiak Island has embraced evolution to become the torchbearers of renewable energy. Their success story is...
It's confirmed. Russia officially penetrated several states' voter rolls during the 2016 election. This is according to Jeanette Manfra, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) head of cybersecurity, who stated in an interview with NBC News: "We saw a targeting of 21 states and an...
Scumbag extraordinaire Martin Shkreli first made headlines in September 2015. His company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, had raised the cost of a drug that fights life-threatening parasitic infections from $13.50 to $750 a tablet—an increase of over 5,000...
The banner on Daily Stormer as of August 14 (image courtesy Daily Stormer)
One of the worst moments in the aftermath of last weekend's horrific events in Charlottesville, Virginia came on Sunday morning. Daily Stormer, one of the most--if not the most--rabidly neo-Nazi sites on the Internet, got the...
Donald Trump and Twitter (image courtesy InfoWars)
Donald Trump's vow to continue using Twitter on a regular basis as president put a lot of people on edge. And with good reason. In the two months between Election Day and Inauguration Day, Trump...
We may not have been able to prevent Republican President-elect Donald Trump's election to the presidency, but we can still protest in a way that will surely get his attention: by hitting him in his...
Exactly six months before 2018 mid-term elections, the White House has eliminated from the National Security Council an integral position charged with developing policy to defend the United States against cyber warfare and cyber election hacking. National Security...
Did you use social media, specifically Facebook, last year leading up to the election? Millions did. They clicked on, shared, liked, didn't like, commented, and followed users they felt reflected their political views. (Some also lost...
Tesla has begun taking orders for its new solar roof system – and its low cost could revolutionize the home solar industry. When viewed from the street, Tesla’s solar tiles look like regular asphalt, terracotta, or...
Do you remember seeing any of these advertisements on Facebook last year? Last month, news broke about evidence confirming Russian buyers used Facebook advertising as propaganda leading up to the last year's presidential election. In response, Facebook presented Congress 3,000 Russian-purchased ads...