Tag: Bush

Veteran Rips Dick Cheney A New One

The CIA torture report has been released, and that makes old man Cheney a little cranky. He would have gotten away with it too...

This Video Of The Immigration Stances Of Reagan And H.W. Bush...

Prepare for conservative howls of frustration. In a 1980 debate between Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, the topic of immigration came up, and...

Senate Votes To Release CIA Report On Torture

In a six thousand-page report the Senate voted to have released, the fact that many detainees the CIA used ?enhanced interrogation? techniques on actually...

Flight Turns Unforgettable When Passengers Learn They’re Traveling With Fallen Soldier

It is one of, if not the, most heart breaking byproducts of war, fallen soldiers. With Bush Sr. banning media coverage of the flag...