Tag: muslim ban

Trump’s Muslim Ban Would Have Prevented THIS Many Attacks…USELESS!

Yesterday, Donald Trump made good on his proposed Muslim ban, but the countries he banned travel from are not exactly the places which have...

GOP Voter Says Of Muslims: ‘We Should Exterminate Them’

Donald Trump has normalized hatred in America. During his campaign, he said despicable things about Mexican immigrants, African-Americans, women, and Muslims. And now that...

NEW: Homeland Security Candidate Will Restart Failed, Dangerous Muslim Registry (VIDEO)

Now that the election of Donald J. Trump is accomplished, the task of building a viable government has begun. As the President-elect interviews a mind...

9 Nonsensical Flip-Flops That Make Perfect Sense To Trump (TWEETS/VIDEO)

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is quite the liar. He has changed his mind over the years, and even during the campaign, on many...

Trump Campaign Manager Says Deportation Force Is ‘TBD’

Since he first descended from his tower aboard his golden escalator, Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump has made a point of identifying problems in...

Epic Fail: Trump Tries To Repair His Muslim Ban (VIDEO)

Donald Trump has given new meaning to the word "muddled." He doesn't seem to be able to make a single direct statement. In my former life,...
trump super tuesday xenophobia terror threat

This Is The Super Tuesday Takeaway Everyone Should Know

Tuesday's big winners were Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. That everyone knows (or at least should know). But, there was another big winner on Tuesday....