Tag: NRA

UPDATE: Santa Monica Shooter Ready For War with Assault Rifles, 25...

Yesterday we covered the breaking news story of a gunman loose in Santa Monica California, moving from scene to scene wreaking havoc and chaos...

Spree Killing In Santa Monica: Six Killed As Well As Shooter

Spree killing - it is the rolling, disorganized cousin of mass murders. It is usually a single shooter who moves from place to place...

Child Killed Every Other Day By Negligent Gun Owner’s Gun

The headline on Thursday said ?Two year-old child finds gun, shoots himself in the face, is dead.? He was staying at his Rusk, Texas...

15-Year-Old Killed With Unsupervised Handgun

There have been 146 days this year, New Year's Day to Memorial Day. And in that time there have been at least 295 children...

An Effective Demonstration Of Why Antiquated Gun Laws Need Updating

While the NRA has spent millions of dollars trying to maintain their choke hold on the conversation over gun laws, there seems to have...

NRAs New President Encourages Fight Against Tyranny, Could Cause Splinter

The NRA has officially entered a new era. Gone are the days where the organization works with the White House to bring about common...