Tag: Twitter

WTF? Is Trump Team Selling Merch On Twitter?

In spite of its affect on my mental health and my blood pressure, I have been following the Twitter feed of President-elect Donald Trump...
Vincente Fox

‘I Am Not Paying For That F****n Wall’—Vicente Fox Shreds Trump...

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox and President-elect Donald Trump have a quarrelsome history. When Trump planned a visit to Mexico in the summer of...

Trump Tweets Sinking Your Stocks? There’s An App For That (VIDEO)

President-elect Donald Trump is scaring the daylights out of most Americans. He's playing footsie with our Russian enemy. He's making scary comments about the nuclear...

Ann Coulter Just Tweeted Out A Nod To White Supremacists And...

If you were under the impression that conservative commentator and full-time hatemonger Ann Coulter couldn't possibly get more disgusting and repellent, looks like Ann...

A Comprehensive List Of The Worst Trump Campaign Lies (VIDEO)

Many politicians lie, but President-elect Donald Trump is quite adept at it. He is a liar on a whole other level. Here are some of...

Twitter Goes Nuts Over GOP Ethics – #GOPSongsAboutEthics (VIDEO)

The 114th U.S. Congress made it's last moves this morning. The Republicans in Congress voted to get rid the independent Office of Congressional Ethics...

OOPS! Trump Is Just Fine With Tearing Down Ethics Office After...

As much as it hurts to agree with President-elect Donald Trump, sometimes he's right. Take the media, for example. Mr. Trump loves to tell us...

NEW: Trump’s Latest Tweets Show That He’s Still Delusional (TWEETS)

Hoo, boy. He's at it again. Donald Trump has obviously been spending his valuable time worrying about the press instead of listening to intelligence briefings or...

Kid President Trolled Trump And It Was Positively AWESOME (TWEETS)

Trump has never hesitated to head for Twitter to extol some less-than-virtuous thought to his mass of vacuous followers. They eagerly await his next...

Trump Continues To Divide Country With Happy Near Year Tweet (TWEETS/VIDEO)

Our future president moves forward with his quest to further divide our country. Instead of wishing everyone a 'Happy New Year' like a normal person,...

Stephen King Points Out Trump’s ‘Dull Mind’ In Epic Tweet (VIDEO)

Our President-elect Donald Trump has a pretty thin skin. He can't take a joke, or anything, without having an angry Twitter tantrum. Lately, he...

Whiny Trump: Transition Is Hard And It’s Barack Obama’s Fault (VIDEO)

President-elect Donald Trump has taken to Twitter for another tantrum. He is complaining that President Barack Obama is making the transition hard for him. Here...

Conservative Radio Host: Trump Not Smart Enough To Think Beyond 140...

Why exactly does Donald Trump love Twitter so much? Is it because it's quick and allows him to communicate instantaneously? Or is it because...

Bernie Launches Twitter Tirade On Trump’s Incoming Disaster (TWEETS and VIDEO)

Former Presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) used the holidays to continue his storm of tweets directed at President-elect Donald Trump. Sanders points out...
Kurt Eichenwald (screenshot courtesy MSNBC via Mediaite)

WTF?! Christianists Prayed A Journalist Would Die From A Twitter-Induced Seizure...

One of the most appalling moments in a campaign season full of them came two weeks ago. Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald, suffered a seizure after...

Delusional Trump Claims His Election Boosted Christmas Spending (TWEETS)

The pathological narcissism of Donald Trump was once again on display in his Twitter feed. The ego of this man is both astonishing and terrifying....

Trump Fan Base Goes Ballistic Over His Support For ‘Satanist Jews’...

Donald Trump won the Presidency partly because he managed to convince his deepest fan base that he is a good Christian white man who will put...
Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin To The Rescue: I’ll Sing At Your Inauguration (TWEETS)

You've probably heard about Alec Baldwin's hilarious portrayal of President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live. You've also probably heard about Trump's tweets responding...

Trump Once Again Claims That A Tragedy Is Proof Of His...

Donald Trump may have won the election because of his unanticipated actions, but at this point he is so predictable that he's boring. He takes every...
pulse nightclub

Pulse Nightclub Victims’ Families Sue Social Media Companies (VIDEO)

On June 12, the world was shocked when Omar Mateen walked into Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, and shot 49 people dead. Three of the...