Donald Trump: I Will Know The Difference Between Hezbollah And Hamas ‘When It’s Appropriate’

Donald Trump just laid out his foreign policy strategy in a recent interview, stating that he will know everything he needs to know about Hezbollah and Hamas within 24 hours if he’s elected president.

In a recent interview with conservative talk-radio host Hugh Hewit, Trump was asked to identify the leaders of various terrorist organizations. The tycoon was clearly befuddled and a bit offended, which is par for the course whenever Trump is asked a vaguely tough question. I’m sure Mr. Hewitt has officially joined the coveted Trump “Naughty Journalist List.” Here’s a taste of the exchange between Hewitt and Trump.

Hewitt: “So the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas does not matter to you yet, but it will?”

Trump: “It will when it’s appropriate. I will know more about it than you know, and believe me, it won’t take me long.”

Boom! In your face, liberal media!

Trump says he’ll basically bone up enough to pass whatever test he needs to, like a college kid cramming for mid terms. And I’m guessing what he doesn’t know he’ll either cheat from the kid sitting behind him or just bullshit his way through it, like he normally does.

If someone told me that Trump would be a serious presidential contender six months ago, I would have laughed. However, Trump has displayed an alarmingly casual ignorance, bigotry, and indifference toward everything, including the political process. And his supporters eat it up with a spoon.

This man doesn’t have point-costing “gaffes.” Every stupid thing he says drives his numbers even higher. One can only hope this mental illness goes no further than the Republican primaries, because if not…


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Here’s the video, if you skip to 5:14 you’ll get to the juicy part. But hey, this is Donald Trump, so you should probably savor him like a fine wine.