This is a story of epic proportions. A story that takes me back to when I was younger and my friends and I would decide to pull, what we called, hijinks. Hijinks tools included a camera, a LOT of alcohol, and a brilliant idea.
Five French young people, after leaving a popular club, wandered drunkenly through the Bassins a Faure area to the street, Rue Lucien Faure. To their shock and excitement they found the Franco-Italian circus cozily shut down and covered for the night. The closing, however, did not deter these drunken teens from sneaking inside, and stealing a grown llama named Serge.
The French boys then paraded down the street walking Serge as if it were their pet dog, stopping periodically for a quick picture. To their amazement they stumbled upon the Bassins a Flot train station and decided it was time for this llama to ride the subway.
The train was quickly stopped when there were reports of a llama onboard. However, in the commotion the boys quickly pushed Serge onto another train and jetted off to their final destination. The boys were quickly arrested when they reached the next train station, but not before several pictures, and even a video was taken of Serge, riding comfortably on the train.
Pictures were posted on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and everywhere else you can think, giving these drunken boys their fifteen minutes of fame. Serge, however, was taken back, unharmed, to continue his circus show.
Who knows, that little taste of freedom Serge received, may spawn a rally of the llamas, causing mass breakouts from circuses all over the world. For now though, the llama won’t be seeing anymore subways any time soon.