Obama To Apppoint San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro As HUD Secretary


Julian Castro

Next week, President Obama will announce that he’s asking San Antonio, TX?Mayor Julian Castro to replace Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan. Donovan will be moving to the Office of Management and Budget as the next director.

Reports say that both men have agreed to the plan. Castro, 39, has previously rejected offers from President Obama, but reportedly is open to the HUD appointment. He is currently serving his third term as mayor of San Antonio, the nation’s seventh-largest city.

Castro received national attention and acclaim when he delivered the keynote address at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, the first Latino to be given the honor. He has an identical twin, Joaquin Castro, who is a first-term Democratic congressman representing a San Antonio district.

Many prominent Democrats have tossed Castro’s name around as a possible Hillary Clinton running mate in the 2016 presidential election.

From the San Antonio Express-News:

Naturally, speculation has only grown. Last week, ABC’s Robin Roberts asked Clinton whether she’d consider Castro or Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., as her running mate.

?They’re both extraordinary leaders and great political advocates for a lot of what needs to be done in our country, and I admire both of them greatly,? she responded.

For Clinton’s admiration to mature into confidence, though, Castro first must master a job greater than mayor. His willingness to resign his mayoralty early and move to Washington reflects this fact.

We liberals here in Texas can’t afford to lose a strong Democrat, but I personally think that would be a pretty sweet ticket.

The White House has been criticized for not having more Hispanic appointees in key positions. White House spokesman Eric Schultz said on Saturday that there is no personnel announcement at this time. Mayor Castro hasn’t commented.

You can watch Julian?Castro’s amazing keynote address here:


Tiffany Willis is the founder and editor-in-chief of Liberal America. An unapologetic member of the Christian Left, she has spent most of her career actively working with ?the least of these? and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. She’s passionate about their struggles. To stay on top of topics she discusses,?subscribe to her public updates on Facebook,?follow her on Twitter, or?connect with her via LinkedIn. She also has?a?grossly neglected personal blog?and a?literary quotes blog that is a labor of love. Find her somewhere and join the discussion.

I had a successful career actively working with at-risk youth, people struggling with poverty and unemployment, and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. In 2011, I made the decision to pursue my dreams and become a full-time writer. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.