Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher’s communications director, Elizabeth Lauten, took to her Facebook page to judge President Obama’s children.

Image: Screen grab via Raw Story

Lauten, also known as @DCGOPGirl on Twitter, ?decided that the most important thing to write about was the President’s daughters, Sasha and Malia.

While Obama took part in the traditional pardoning of turkeys, his daughters had the audacity to join him.

Sasha and Malia acted like children act, and Malia had her arms crossed. OMG! Impeach!

Jezebel reports:

“Elizabeth Lauten posted her quite passionate thoughts to her Facebook, telling the two First Daughters to “dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.” Yep. Someone wrote to Sasha and Malia Obama to stop dressing like 1) people who are old enough to drink legally and 2) damn hussies or some such.”

From Twitter:

The First Daughters do not dress like hookers and as for their faces, those are actually their beautiful faces.

After “many hours of prayer” Lauten took the post down. The “apology” was also taken down or made private, which sort of makes it a non-apology.

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